Chapter 56: Time Travel

Mercy Hall

Sour grapes and mint tea leaves do not meld well together. They certainly don't calm or sooth the caged beast inside her, especially when in the dark.

Humans, she'll never understand how they manage to function in the world with such dulled senses. Hell, she'd have met an early demise in her childhood if it wasn't for her gargouille side.

Mercy rolls onto her side. She calls on the senses of her inner beast.

A flood of light flashes in her mind's eye.

Her vision clears and turns a nice, minty green coloration.

Mint. There it is again. The mere thought, along with the smell of the grapes, turns her stomach. Swallowing hard, she forces the burning bile back down where it came from. The lava pit of hell, she now calls a gut.

"Good, you're finally awake." Ambrose approaches.