Chapter 57: Destiny Calls

Mercy Hall

Silence fills the air between them. She's not sure what to say. After a while, she lays on her side, drawing her bent knees to her chest.

"You're quiet."

"Nay." Rest is the furthest thing from her mind. "Just trying to get some shut eye." The excuse gives her a reason not to talk.

Now that she and Ambrose are back, what does it all mean? Are they together or separate? Does she even want to be with him? What if he's only with her because of the child?

A baby. Hell, is she ready for that type of responsibility, commitment? Is he?

"Tell me what's going on in that brain of yours." He stretches out next to her.

In the dark, she's sure his human sight can't make out her body, much less her facial features. "Nothin'."

The thought of his lack of sight is a comfort because it offers her a reprieve.

"I don't believe that, not even for a second." He adjusts his position on the stone floor, and she presses a leg against her.