Chapter 16: In Another Life

Love, hope, fear, faith - these make humanity; these are its sign and note and character. -Robert Browning

A thin film of dust fills the chamber of the cave. It imparts a nostalgic sense of peace. My Grandma Mae, rest her soul, would have enjoyed picking through the soil, unearthing ancient relics of a time long past.

Perhaps she did, in another life, one I never heard about as a child. Closing my eyes, I envision her standing in the same spot I now occupy. At least now, I know where my love of Indian lore came from.

I stretch my arms overhead. It's been three weeks since I sat in Mr. Crawford's office for the reading of my grandfather's will. I've not heard a peep from Stephen since I informed him, I was staying three days ago. It shouldn't surprise me. He said he was heading back to Texas to take care of business but that he'd be back. To be honest, it's been nice not having him breathe down my neck.