Chapter 18: After You

Because I could not stop for death, he kindly stopped for me; the carriage held but just ourselves and immortality. -Emily Dickinson

It's a beautiful morning. The sky is clear, and the birds are singing. A gentle wind blows in through the open French doors. The warm breeze caresses my face, and the fragrant scent of jasmine is in the air. I could lose myself in the stillness.

Thoughts of Maria come to mind. She really is a kind person. Plus, she makes me feel at home, and I enjoy talking to her. Her comments last night keep repeatedly playing in my head. I can't help but wonder how deep Drake's anger really runs. Will he still be mad when he comes home in a few days? God, I hope not.

A knock pulls me out of my thoughts. The door opens, and Maria enters my room.

"Good morning. I baked muffins today, blueberry."


I take a bite of the food. Turning my attention to my open laptop, I review my emails.