When in doubt, don't. -Benjamin Franklin.
Feeling around, I come in contact with a small opening that's knee level. I squat down and crawl on my hands and knees. Halfway through the hole, strong hands encase my waist, yanking me back. A scream erupts deep in my throat and passes across my parted lips. My legs scissor back and forth, kicking the air.
"Well, now, what do we have here?" says the man with a scruffy voice.
"Put me down!"
He shines a flashlight in my face. I squeeze my eyes shut and turn away from the blinding light.
"You're a right pretty little thing, aren't ya?" The other man sports a wolfish grin, exposing a row of broken and jagged teeth on his lower jaw. He places a hand on my chin, moving my head side to side.
Swinging at the snaggle puss' profile, I make solid contact with his jaw. The impact sends a sharp pain through my fisted hand up to my elbow.
"Don't touch me." The intonation of my words rings in my ears.