Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of. -Benjamin Franklin
The next chamber we enter has an eerie bluish glow. I approach the cavern wall where the glow is most concentrated and stop. Raising my hand, I lightly touch the wall.
"We have to keep moving."
"What are these? They look like . . ."
"Glow worms. They're luminescent beetles." Drake pulls me away from the wall.
"Why weren't they in the other parts of the cave?"
"They tend to live in the lower chambers. Come on. There's an underwater spring just around the corner. I used to swim in it."
I follow Drake into another chamber.
My mouth sags open. Glow worms cover in glow worms. They're clinging onto the stalactites hanging from the roof of the cave-like icicles. The water in the chamber glows and stalagmites, covered in glow worms, peak out of the water."
"This leads to another part of the cave where we can get out undetected."