New Horizons

Civilizations rise and fall throughout the ages. Too many lives lost for the better of humanity. Corruption has rooted itself too deep to ignore. The world is in disarray. War is imminent as peace has lasted for far too long. Steel yourself. You might be the hands of death himself…


"Erik… Erik… Erik… Erik wake up!!".

My eyes quickly opened only to be greeted by a grey ceiling and the worried expression of Jeremy, my roommate.

"You're gonna be late so hurry your ass up!".

I was sitting on my hard bed with the thin sheets still covering my legs. The room was small. All you could see was grey. Grey walls, grey beds, sheets, you name it. Well, it wouldn't really matter since we won't really be staying in this room for too long.

I glanced at the light grey clock on the wall. At least it's a bit easier to spot.

"Shoot" I said. 8:55 am.

I quickly put on my black, latex training suit while Jeremy rushed out the room. I quickly ran out soon after.

"Trainees, please be assembled in the training hall by 9:05 am" a voice on the PA system announced.

"We can still make it, hurry!" Jeremy exclaimed.

Easy for you to say. I've known Jeremy for quite a while. Been friends since kindergarten. He was such a frail little boy but somehow became one of the most athletic people I've seen. The difference was becoming apparent. Jeremy somehow realized the pathetic me slowly lagging behind and slowed down his pace to match mine. He was always like that. Despite being better than the average human he was humble.


"No biggie".

We reached the hall by 9.03.

"Just in the nick of time" Jeremy says while patting my back.

The training hall. It was one of the more moderately sized buildings in the facility. It could easily fit around 300-400 people. The hall was full of people from orientation yesterday. We couldn't help but notice some big shots here and there.

"Hey, isn't that Axel? The one from the Rosewell family? You know, the ones famous for doing things the old way. I heard they prioritize tradition over everything else." Jeremy asks curiously.

"I heard he was recommended here personally by Michael Maxwell, one of the elders".

I wasn't exactly surprised. This is a prestigious facility. Big shots would gather around by the hundreds here. Then I saw her. Short, white hair. Eyes green as emerald. A slim body just like a model. A girl that came straight out of my dreams. The perfect object of envy to others.

I didn't realize I was staring. "She's way out of your league man. You and the young lady of the esteemed Marco family? You know, the same Marco family that invented the Wireless method.? No way in hell" Jeremy scoffs at me.

"What's her name?" I ask while ignoring his remark.


Chantria. One beautiful name. I believe its 'Moonlight' in the Khmer language. Matches with Erik Moonstone don't you think?

"Okay trainees! That's enough idle chit-chat for now I believe. I don't think disciplinary action is necessary on your first day is it? You know we only need the best of the best". Suddenly a person appears out of nowhere and begins commanding us.

How strict. Well, it is to be expected.

"I believe you have adjusted without much complications. Well, even if you did have some trouble, deal with it yourself. You are adults after all. Now, you all must have already been acquainted with your roommates. Please get along well since you're all stuck together until you 'graduate' ".

Well, I'm glad its Jeremey at least. Imagine being stuck with some rich kid and being forced to do everything.

"All of you did well to get here, but the real torture begins now. As you all know, this is the only facility in the world to train the best of the best. The shadows of the streets. The boogeyman in every closet. The grim reaper of every unlucky bastard to die by your hands. The successor of the ancient bloodline of Hashashins".

This is it. I've been waiting for this moment. Growing up in the slums paved way to a life full of suffering. I wouldn't even have made it here if it wasn't for 'that person'. Now it's my turn to cleanse the filth.

"I can tell what you're thinking" Jeremy says.

"Might want to ease up a bit on that bloodlust. You still have to go through hell remember? You, the same guy who can't even beat me in a race." he says while making a cheeky face.

"Shut up". Dang, I wanna punch him.


"Attention, trainees. We will begin with CQC(close quarter combat). Anyone wants to be my sparring partner?"

"Sure, why not. I'll give you a run for your money". Axel steps up.

"Huh, so Axel, the prodigy from the renowned Rosewell family wants to take me on? You know you can't use your silver spoons here right?".

I let out a laugh. Then I realized what I just did. Everyone was looking my way. I could feel Jeremy slowly inching away from me. Shi-.

"So you think that's funny huh?! Trash that somehow miraculously got accepted, that can't even hold a candle to anyone here thinks that you're some big shot. Well, I didn't know that any gravel could just laugh at me. Come here, let me teach you some manners at least, before you die"

"Axel, that's enough". Well, my ass just got saved by the instructor.

"Erik Moonstone, remember to stay after training is over". I take that back.

After that little scuffle, the demonstration continued. You could see how well trained both of them were. They made minimal but precise movements. Each strike was targeted at each other's vitals while the other person was deflecting each strike meticulously.

Axel threw a sharp punch towards the instructor's face. He dodges by tilting his head to the side then quickly grabs Axel's elbow and shoulder. Then, without any hesitation, throws him over onto the floor while pinning his arm behind his back.


"You wish"

Axel jolts suddenly, then manages to break free, dislocating his shoulder in the process.

"No need to go all out as to reveal your family's techniques. Not everyone breaks their own arm with zero hesitation" says the instructor while Axel twists his arm back in place.

What just happened? His family's secret technique? I don't think you can learn to dislocate your arm and putting it back in. What sort of training did he do before entering here? I could see Jeremy thinking the same thing.

My hands were in a tight grip. My eyes were wide open, staring in awe at the performance just now. My heart was racing at a thousand miles per hour. This is what I've dreamt of becoming. This is the standard I'm hoping to achieve. These are the people I have to surpass.

I'm getting excited. Not to mention there's tons of other people here who are on the same standard or even better than Axel.

"We have to work hard".

Jeremy suddenly looks at me with confusion.

"You mean, you have to work hard right?" Jeremy says sarcastically. I ignore him.

"How's that, trash?" Axel shouts out while returning to his position in the crowd.

Just you wait.

The instructor briefly explains the basics of martial arts and its importance as well as applications during commissions.

Then, everyone received a training manual. Huh. Cool. The manual was a softcopy downloadable by our eyePhones, devices implanted after orientation. It hurt like hell but its cool at the same time.

"You all will do the same basic exercises but feel free to choose between the many martial arts in the manual. Feel free to pick up more than one if you have the time. Which is highly unlikely but the choice is yours. That is all. Class dismissed".

Everyone was starting to leave the hall while I tried to blend in with the crowd.

"I believe Erik Moonstone is due to stay?".

Shit. Everyone continued leaving the hall.

"Good luck" Jeremy whispered as he shuffles past.

I could see Axel snickering through the crowd. Ugh. Chantria just passed by as if I were nothing. What did I expect. Axel is right. I'm trash. Of course someone of her stature wouldn't notice me. Too bad for him I'm gonna fix that. I still have to deal with the instructor at the moment, though.


I hope Erik will be fine. Can't worry too much though. I need to focus on what's at hand right now. I bet he's nervous as a lamb to the slaughter house, hahah.

I quickly rushed to class. I need to hurry. There's only ten minutes to get there. I arrived at the academic block after searching for a while. I'm glad there's a map in our eyePhones. 1G…1G… Ah, there! I quickly found my classroom, 1G. Just like school.

Wait, the classes are A-G. Don't tell me I'm in the last class. Ugh. At least Erik is in the same boat. Wherever he is.

There were quite a few people here already. I found a place next to the window in the middle row. As I was heading there a girl quickly sat down there.

"Um, excuse me, but I saw this place first"

"I sat here first though. How ungentlemanly can you be?" she says with a disgusted face.

"Yes, I am indeed ungentlemanly but then again, we are training to be assassins"

"So you think assassins lack class? Don't look down upon this profession"

"Fine you can take that seat. Would this beautiful young lady at least share her name with this humble man at least?"

"See? You could do it if you tried. And yes, I wouldn't mind gracing you by bestowing the knowledge of my name" she says, beaming.

"Marie, Marie Chrisley"

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance Marie. I'm Jeremy Fox"

"Fox? I've never heard of that family name before."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm not really from a prestigious family such as yourself. I just barely made it here by luck."

"Well, it's fine all the same. Nice to meet you"

"You're different from everyone else"

"Thanks, I try to. Being indifferent to people is truly classy".

I took the seat next to her. The chairs are quite comfy surprisingly compared to ones in the dorm. The tables are made of steel but it actually feels quite warm. Perhaps its connected to a heater or something. Quite fancy.

The classroom is quite big, now that I'm starting to look around. The walls are a deep purple while the chairs and desks are dark blue. There is a single clock at the center of the front wall, near the ceiling. It was a bit bigger compared to the ones in our rooms but the color was a blood red same as the floor. A grim color complementing that of an assassin.

Erik sure is taking his time. The class was practically full by now. 39 seats were already occupied. The only one left was next to mine. I guess no one wants to sit next to me except Marie. Well, Erik would've sat there anyway so I don't really mind.

There were only a few famous faces here and there. Not so surprising considering this is the last class. I'm guessing that quite a few people here are commoners. Including Marie, there seems to be about 8 people from famous origins. At least that's what their body language suggests. It's not like I know every celebrity here. The world is a big place.

A tall, slender woman entered the class wearing a grey dress and a pair of thin framed square glasses. I'm guessing that's the teacher.

"Okay class, My name is Meredith Sinclair and I will be with all of you until the end of the year. Now, I was informed that an Erik Moonstone will be late to class. I believe one of you here is his roommate?".

He really loves to mess with me even when he's not here huh.

"Yes, teacher, I'm his roommate. Jeremy Fox"

"Well, make sure you beat some sense into him later. He is part of your responsibility as well".

Just as everyone was introducing themselves, the doors swung wide open. There was a very tired and out of breath Erik at the doorway panting.

"Many apologies for being late ma'am!".


Dang that instructor is a slave driver. 20 rounds around the facility in half an hour? That's 30km. I'll be lucky if I even manage to get to classes.

As I was running around, I saw an old shack among the high-tech buildings. That looks cool. As I was slowly approaching, a popup appeared in front of me telling me the shack was off limits. Weird.

I continued doing my rounds and miraculously finished in 30 minutes. I guess I have finally awakened my inner abilities. Be careful world for I, Erik, shall be making my grand appearance soon!

I met the instructor in front of the training hall congratulating me while giving me a warning to be more disciplined. I hurriedly made my way to where the classes are. Until I realized I didn't know the way.

As I was panicking, I saw an old man shuffling around. I thought it was strange that no one else was around but this old dude. I didn't really pay it mind though since everyone else was probably in class.

"Um, excuse me, but may I ask where the classes are?"

"You're a new face" said the old guy in a deep, raspy voice.

"Interesting, being late on your first day eh? You must be quite the rebellious one"

"I was being punished for laughing at some rich kid"

"Yes, I know".

Wait, what? This old dude tripping or something? Never mind.

"Excuse me, but the classes?"

"Hohoho, patience lad. This old man was just trying to find a person to talk with."

"Well, thanks for wasting my time, but I'm off"

"Hey wai-".

I couldn't hear him finish as I zoomed past, trying to look for my class.

After about 10 minutes of searching, I found it. 1G. I shoved the door wide open and stood for a second trying to catch my breath.

"Many apologies for being late ma'am!".

"You're 15 minutes late"

"Yeah, I was running around the facility. Sorry about that"

"Yes, I was informed. I was saying that you are late at coming here"

"Yes, um, I was lost and then some old guy was taking my time and um-"

"Enough excuses. Go to your seat over there next to your roommate"

"Yes ma'am" I said sheepishly as I made my way to my desk.

"Sucks to be you eh?" Jeremy scoffed at me.

"Oh, shut up" I rolled my eyes.