New Beginnings

Here it is, our first lesson. I was getting intrigued on what they're gonna teach us. Must be something cool like hacking, how to blend in like a spy, parkour, possibly.

"Now, the first semester of your curriculum will consist solely of the three sciences; physics, chemistry and biology"

"What?!!" I shouted full of confusion.

"Yes, is there a problem Erik Moonstone?"

"No ma'am. Sorry"

"I believe that's your second offence today, no? Are you trying to set a record for most undisciplined trainee? Believe me, you don't" Miss Sinclair says menacingly.

I could tell everyone was holding their laughter. Dang it. I glanced to my left. Jeremy's face was practically blue trying not to laugh. Bastard.

They just had to start with the most boring subject ever. Not to mention for the whole semester. Maybe I should just fail this class. An assassin doesn't really need these useless knowledge anyways, right?

"Oh, before any of you get any ideas, if you fail this class, then consider your whole career as good as over. We have to execute you just to keep our secret safe you know".

I swear I could hear her cough my name. Just my luck huh. Well, do or die I guess.

"Now please open your textbooks to page 1…".

What textbook? I could see everyone doing something but I have no idea as to what. I bet Jeremy is also struggling right? I looked over only to see his cheeky grin staring back.

"Having trouble Erik? Just turn on your eyePhone then go to library. You'll find all your books there"

"Huh. Cool. Thanks. By the way, how do you know all these things?"

"How do you not know these things?".

I ignored him. Maybe he threw away being humble and picked up cockiness instead.

Classes felt like forever. I can't believe all that was just four hours. Then again, biology for four hours straight is kinda like torture. It was finally time for lunch. I was starving thanks to a certain someone not waking me up for breakfast.

Jeremy told me to go on ahead to the mess hall as he had something to do. Not like it concerns me. Man, it sure is bustling here. The mess hall had a really tall roof and the walls near the top were almost entirely made of glass. The natural lighting sure does make the mess hall look breathtaking.

As I was heading towards the line, I could hear a few people arguing.

"Hey, I got here first! Who are you to cut in line?".

Ah. looks like someone picked a fight. He should just give his spot to that rich kid. Too much hassle trying to claim your rights. Its a dog eat dog world after all. The sooner you realize the better.

"Hey Jin! Stop picking on him".

I could hear someone calling him out. Man this is cringing me so hard right now. Could everyone just please mind their own business.

"You stay out of this Chantria!".

Wait. Did he say Chantria?

"What do you mean stay out of this? Do you really think that I should stay still? I should be the one to stand up when everyone else just looks. Its my pride as a Marco"

"Well, maybe learn to swallow that dumb pride of yours eh?"

"Well too bad. I might just have to tell your dad about 'that'".

Jin slowly backed off while making threats with his hands to the kid he was picking on.

"Just stay like that kid. Hiding behind some girl".

Sheesh. That's the girl out of my dreams I tell you. So heroic. I knew someone had to stand up against those guys. I just can't stand them.

That kid was also kinda cool for standing up to him. Just slightly though. 'Cause if it was me Chantria wouldn't even have to speak up because of how cool I am.

Lunch was served in trays. I took mine and quietly looked for a place to sit. The mess hall was surprisingly silent after that scuffle happened.

I saw an empty table not too far off. I sat down then looked at my lunch. I just realized that I might as well starve to death. All that was given was just a small loaf of bread, some soup and juice. This is lunch goddammit!

Well, might as well die now. Jeremy suddenly appeared and sat in front of me while smiling at my pitiful expression.

"I knew this wasn't enough. Here" he passed me half of his bread.

"Seriously man? Cool!"

"It's the least I could do since you slept through breakfast"

"Thanks to someone" I rolled my eyes.

"I did try to wake you, you know. Its just that you were practically a corpse"

"Yeah, understandable". We continued in silence.

After finishing lunch, we both decided to head back to our rooms.

"I think I'm just going to laze around for the rest of the day".

Jeremy looked at me with disdain.

"What's that look for?"

"Are you seriously doing nothing? At this rate you might really be executed"

"Seriously? What's that supposed to mean?"

"Aren't you going to do the daily exercises?"

"What are daily exercises?". Jeremy slapped his face and let out a huge sigh.

"Try saying 'open quests' out loud. Seriously, what were you doing during orientation"

"Open quests". A popup appeared in front of me.


I quickly examined. 10km run. 100 push-ups. 100 squats. 100 sit-ups. This sounds awfully familiar. Wait a hot second. I'm supposed to do all this in a single day?!!

"Its frickin' outrageous!!"

"You're outrageous. Geez, if only you were as athletic as me".

I swear I will really kill Jeremy one of these days.


"Library. Martial arts manual".

Man this thing is quite convenient. After resting for about an hour I think I should practice some martial arts. I don't want Jeremy to diss me again.

"Hey, Jeremy"


"Which martial art are you picking up?"

"Jiu-jitsu. Or maybe karate. Maybe both if I have the time. How about you?"

"The coolest one" I said boringly as I was scrolling through the variety of martial arts in the manual.

There really is everything here. There's some weird ones here as well like Silat, Bataireacht, Okichitaw. Boooring. Half an hour went by. There aren't really many ones that really catch my eye.

Maybe I should just start my own martial art. Maybe then the world will acknowledge my awesomeness. Yeah. That actually sounds pretty good.

"Are you thinking of starting your own martial art? It's written all over your face"

"Oh, shut up. What do you know. Maybe I'm actually really gifted and the world will soon bow down to the amazing guy I am"

"Yeah. Keep dreaming. I'm going to practice some karate"

"And you're leaving me just like that?"

"Yeah, Master Erik. Good luck on you martial arts.". Jeremy leaves as he mockingly bows at me.


Seriously, that Erik. Can't he just take things more seriously? I guess I'll just train by myself.

As I was heading to the training room of our dorm block I saw an old man in rags. I wanted to greet him but he just seemed so out of place that I just ignored him.

"Hey, young man. Would you mind coming here for a second?".

Well, whatever.

"Yes, sir. May I help?"

"Another new face"

"Well, yeah. Yesterday was when all the new trainees came in".

He smiled softly. What a weird guy. I quickly bid farewell and hurriedly went towards the training room.

"That's two unpolished gems"

"Pardon, what did you say sir?"


He kept smiling. Weird man. Oh well. As I arrived, there were quite a few people here. I thought I was the only diligent one here. Well, my standards are pretty low thanks to a certain someone I've known all my life.

After training for a few hours, dinner is close.

"Dang, I'm so hungry I could eat a cow".

I bet Erik would say something like that. I took a quick shower and went back to our room. As I peeked inside to invite Erik to dinner, I was surprised to see the room empty. That's weird. Maybe he already went. That's rude. Even if he hates my guts he wouldn't leave me.

Well, I guess I'll just head to the mess hall by myself. As I arrived, I went in line. I looked around but couldn't find Erik anywhere. I eventually finished up all by myself.

I decided to take a walk in the dorm garden. The weather was quite cool and the moon was bright.

As I was heading there, I bumped into Marie.

"Hello miss Marie" I bow to her.

"Skip the formalities already. We are acquaintances aren't we?"

"Well, I just possibly couldn't, considering your status"

"Oh please, you're embarrassing me".

Huh. She really in different. Usually big families who love their tradition and wealth are all haughty.

"What are you doing here Jeremy?"

"Well, you know, the weather is nice. Besides, I heard walking helps with digestion"

"Well, would you like to enjoy this walk together with me?"


Ughh. This old dude is seriously getting on my nerves right now. I was just trying to get some inspiration for my great martial arts but the old dude I saw earlier suddenly came up to me saying he had something cool to show me. I followed him since I was bored.

I wasn't really expecting much but what is this? He took me to the old shack that was off-limits. Apparently not anymore. I just entered like it was nothing. Is this where this old dude lives? He should really clean up sometimes. It's messier than my room back in the slums. Not to mention I was wheezing my lungs out.

"Sorry for the mess. It's not usually like this" he chuckles.

"I rarely get guests you know"


"Hoho. Watch your manners young man. Some people are actually wolves in sheep's clothing"

"Are you saying you're a wolf?".

He just smiles at me.

He was digging up some stuff from old dusty boxes.

"What are you looking for? Want me to help?". Not like I want to.

"Nah, I've got this. Just be a patient little bi-. Ehem. Boy, and wait there patiently".

I think I might actually add another person onto my assassination list.

After a little while of me almost suffocating he found what he was looking for.

"Tadaa! Be amazed!" he says as he produces a ring.

"Here. Keep it on you always. Do not let go of it under any circumstances"

"What is it, like a good luck charm? Sorry, but I really don't wanna be next in line for your will"

"This ring is far more powerful than some good luck charm. Besides, even if you get my inheritance, you will be shocked to death"

"Why, because of all your debts? No thank you. Besides, what's so powerful about this plain old ring?"

"Believe me. It's a treasure worth more than your life"

"Then why won't you just sell it and live a better life?"

"Oh, look at you. Finally warming up to me eh? I knew this old man's charms didn't fade away. And no. Keep the ring. I insist"

"Well, whatever". I guess I'll just keep it. It doesn't really bother me much. I'll just think of it as charity.


"Sorry, but I was just planning on enjoying this walk alone. No offence. I just need some time to settle down. I'm still hyper from my first day"

"It's okay. I understand perfectly. Zero offence taken. We just got acquainted today after all"

"Thanks for understanding".

Marie leaves me alone and leaves the park a bit reluctantly. Hah... It's not like I rejected her right? I mean, today is our first day. We only knew each other for a few hours after all. I'm just overthinking it.

(He really is overthinking it. Awkward...)

I left shortly after. It was around 9:00 pm right now. For some reason there were people everywhere from trainees to instructors. Well, I guess there are a lot of things to do on your first day. I could hear that quite a lot of people were talking. Things like gossip, idle chatter. It was then that I heard something quite interesting. A few instructors were panicking.

"Hey, have you seen the Supreme Chief anywhere?"

"No. Why? Is there something urgent?"

"Yeah, the ring of Second Life is missing. I thought the head chief would pull off a stunt like this so I went looking for him only to find both his quarters and office empty"

"How did you know the ring was missing? I thought it had an alarm"

"Yeah, that's what I thought exactly but as I was inspecting it, it turns out that it was a fake. Who knows how long it was replaced"

"What?! Wait. What were you even doing inspecting the ring in the first place?"

"That's not important right now. We need to hurry up and inform the elders. This will cause a massive uproar".

They scurried away urgently after. Huh. Sounds serious. Well, it doesn't really concern me now, does it. It might just be nothing.