New Challenges

(WARNING! This chapter contains violent content. Reader discretion is advised)

"Well, old man, I'll be going now. Remember to clean up this place. I wouldn't really want you to cough to death with how dusty it is here"

"Hoho, look at you. Nagging at me like you're my son. This old man really does still have his ways. Please keep the ring safe"

"Yeah, yeah. Sure. Just stop saying those kinds of things or you might really end up on my list"

"What list?"

"Oh, don't worry 'bout that. See ya" I say as I left his old shack.

Man, the night air is so cool and refreshing. Any longer and I might've hyperventilated in that shack. I decided to get some dinner and turn in for the night. "Clock". A popup appeared telling me the time and date. 8:32p.m. I still have time. I bet Jeremy already ate. I'll just meet up with him in our room.


Man, that hit the spot. Thank god at least dinner was fulfilling. Its been a while since I've had a good piece of meat. As I left satisfied, I headed back to my room. On my way back some instructors were running around in a panicked manner. As they were running around they bumped into me.

"Hey, rude! Even if you're in a rush at least apologize!".

They were too engrossed in what they were doing that they failed to notice me. Forget it. What were they in such a hurry for anyway? I think I heard something about looking for someone. Well, not like it concerns me.


I was just sitting at my desk, passing the time by writing in my journal. I wanted to finish writing what I have to as soon as possible before Erik gets here. I don't want to hear him going on and on about doing girly things like writing a 'diary'. It's clearly a journal. As I was just about done Erik entered the room.

"Whatcha doin'?"

"Nothing, just reviewing today's notes"

"Nerd". Better nerd than sissy.

"I haven't seen u all afternoon"

"Yeah, some old dude dragged me around. Spout some nonsense and gave me this stupid ring. Actually now that I put it on it kinda looks cool".

Wait did he say ring? I quickly examined his hand. There was a unique silver ring with engravings and neon highlights around the edges. It couldn't be right?

"Which old dude gave you that ring?"

"I don't know. Some dude I met earlier. He was wearing rags and loitering around here somewhere. Why?"

"No, never mind". It couldn't be. I mean, how does some old man get hold of the ring of Second Life? It must just be a coincidence.

"Well, I'm turning in for the night. I'm pretty tired after today"


"Easy for you to say. Try practicing for 12 hours a day"

"Try running 20 laps around the facility" Erik says with a stupid face.

I lie on my bed and hide under the covers.

"Do you mind turning off the lights please? Thanks"

"Nope. I still wanna use it"

"Can't a guy get some shut-eye?"

"Then just shut your eyes. I need the light to draw my holy scripture. Maybe I can sell this for a fortune once I become a martial master"

"You know you can't reveal yourself to the world once you become an assassin right?"

"Well, you've got a point. I guess I'll also turn in for the night".


"Don't forget to wake me up early!".


What's with all these flashing lights... Where am I...

"Erik... Erik... Don't forget... The promise of death... You must-" the voice fades away.

Who was that? Promise of death? Man, my head hurts like hell. Where am I? I thought I was in my room... Ah, why is it so cold... Wait. Why am I on this steel table, why can't I move?! Help!! I tried to scream but no words would come out. What now? Agh...What's this unbearable pain in my abdomen?!


It's 5:42a.m. Maybe I should wake up Erik now that I'm done with my morning jog. I first drank a few gulps of water before heading back.

"Erik, wake up. You don't wanna miss breakfast".

I turn on the lights. Erik? That's weird. His bed is empty. He was there when I woke up though. Weird. He couldn't possibly wake up by himself. Well, maybe he did. I looked around the dorm but found no traces of him anywhere. I tried calling his eyePhone but a popup appeared saying:

[Erik Moonstone is currently out of contact. Leave him a message?(Y/N)]


Where could he have possibly gone off to? An area that's off limits nonetheless. I just couldn't help but worry as an ominous feeling envelopes me.


I look down. I almost fainted at what I saw. What the fu-?!! A sudden wave of light surges through the dark room. Someone just turned on the lights. Suddenly, there were a troupe of guards in front of me.

Who are you? What did you do to me?!! I tried to voice out my thoughts but my words just couldn't come out.

"Ah, awake already are we? I was hoping to keep you sleeping for a while longer though. Well, I guess even I would be awake considering the state you're in. Considering the fact that you're not cussing me out the moment I entered must mean that you can't speak. It is, a shock to your body after all. I mean, it's not everyday we wake up only to look down and realize that your whole lower body is detached from your abdomen" he says in a slimy voice while letting out a sinister laugh.

Damn this hurts! It definitely doesn't feel good just having your upper intact.

"Let me help you with that" he says slyly while grinning ear to ear.

Two guards came carrying my lower body and placed it under my body.

"Ackk!!". I let out a painful cry.

He was pouring some weird, thick liquid on a sponge and rubbed all over the detached part of my body. The pain is unbearable. I screamed my lungs out with tears jerking over my eyes, flowing all over my body. The two guards then shoved my detached body together and it magically stuck like glue.

A huge machine came dangling from the ceiling, sealing my body shut with lasers. I let out a screech that could break anyone's ear drums.

"Why are you doing this?!! What's the purpose of torturing me?!"

"Well, I should be the one asking you that, no? Hmm, mister spy?"

"What?! Spy?! What rubbish are you on about?"

"Oh, playing the fool now, are you? Well, you are, considering you got caught" he says while laughing.

Shit. I'm sick of hearing this psycho laugh.

"Your voice is f**king grating. Let go of me already. I know I'm not some spy so just stop this stupid prank of yours, whoever you are!"

The man let out another laugh.

"Say whatever you want, spy. I'll just keep having my fun with you in the meantime" he says while he leaves the room.

Just before he left, he gave an order "Ah, please do me a favor by cutting all his toes off clean, will you?".



Where am I? This scene seems familiar somehow... Wait... Is this 5th Avenue? Why am I back here? I saw a child running towards me.

"Um, hey, kid-" I tried calling him but he ignored me.

I tried grabbing him to get his attention but surprisingly my hand just went through him. Wait. Am I dead?! And is that kid supposed to be me? I mean, black hair, brown eyes, and that unforgettable handsome face... Yeah, that kid is definitely me. Huh, so heaven is just watching your past self huh. A bit boring but well, at least I can finally rest.


What? Which kid is calling me? It was then I saw a kid with brown eyes.

"Jeremy! You're here!".

So even Jeremy appears in my heavenly presentation.

"Hey, today is the day right? I can't believe we're finally sneaking out to the city"

"Yeah! I also saved up my lunch money to buy some souvenirs!".

Wait. Don't tell me this is that day. Now that I think about it, this place looks like the area where the rat hole was.

"Wait! Don't go there! Don't go to the city!" I exclaimed at them but none of them could hear me. Shit!

"Please don't go to the city! Whatever you do... Please!" I started wailing towards them.

They still can't hear me. F*ck!

"Hey! If there really is God, why are you showing me this?! What did I do to be reminded of this?!". At this point I'm just a sobbing heap.


"Haha, that was fun! I even bought things for mom and dad!"

"Yeah! We should take them with us next time!".

They're back already. No... Please don't show me what's going to happen next... Please.

As the kids went out of the alley they froze. Both of them were shocked at the scene unfolding before their eyes. Huge machinery were everywhere. Bipedal machines walking around, crushing and burning everything in its path.

"What... What's happening?!" my past self said as he runs towards my old home.

It was already set ablaze, crumbling. He still ran inside without hesitation. He found our mother laying there, unconscious.

"Mom!! Wake up! Our house is burning! Wake up, mom! Please..." he continues tugging at his mother only to no avail.

He ran out as fast as he could as the beams were starting to fall down. He understood. He couldn't save his mom. His dad probably faced the same fate. The final structures supporting the old house finally shattered. The boy stood in front of it, his tears being dried up by the flame.

Why... Why am I being reminded these things now? Can't you just let me die in peace?! It was then that I suddenly woke up from that hell. It was a dream... I look around only to be disappointed by the sight of the torture chamber I was still in.


How many months has it been already... I've lost all sense of time by now. Those sick bastards. Leaving a tube in my stomach and just forcing shit through my digestive tract. Even water goes straight to my organs. My mouth is as dry as a bone. I just want this hell to end soon. I would kill just to get anything to taste. Why do I have to go through this...

I think almost every part of my body has been ripped off and reattached by now. Even my eyes have different colors from before, after they took out my original ones that is. A figure I know all too well approaches me.

"How is my favorite toy doing?"

"What time is it?"

"Numb already eh? Well it has already been around five months. It's 3:08a.m right now. Consider it a charity".

Five months eh? Feels shorter though. Maybe because I'm passed out more than when I'm awake.

"You know, I'm honestly surprised. You're the only one that didn't break yet. I applaud you for making it this far".


"Now, upon further inspection, it does actually seem like an ordinary ring. It seems I made a mistake. I could've sworn it was the ring of Second Life"

"What the actual f*ck?! So are you saying you kept me here, tortured me, just to not be sure?! Just for a mistake?!"

"Now, now. I had fun torturing you. There's that you know"

"Well, what are you gonna do about this now huh? I don't believe you'll get off scot-free. I'll make sure to enjoy every part of it"

"Haha! Good luck with that. To be honest I'm not really an instructor. This isn't even your precious institute you know? Well, I do feel wrong for torturing an innocent kid. Maybe I'll just leave you here. I'll leave your friends a tip okay?".

What...The... F*ck. I was kidnapped? All because of a ring? Wait, who are they anyway? To be able to kidnap me from The Order? They can't be some nobodies. I was actually starting to be thankful to not be killed.

I don't know how long it's been since that monster left. Man, I feel drowsy. Don't tell me The Order forgot about me. It can't be. They most likely just assumed it's not worth the hassle. Well, it was a shitty life from beginning to end. I hope I get to be a prince in my next.

Just as my conscious was about to fade, I heard a bunch of pitter-pattering. My heart began racing. Is it them? Is rescue finally here?

"Leave no stone unturned!"

"This way! There's another path here!"

"Hey! There's a room at the end of this corridor!".

I could hear a lot of footsteps rapidly approaching as the door swung wide open.

"I found him!".

Thank god. I was just about to be happy when my conscience finally went blank.