A Life Not Chosen

I received an email notifying my successful admission into the training facility by The Order. It's not really surprising considering my family status. I didn't really want any of this but being the successor to a prestigious family means that I must continue the family business.

Man, this sucks. Why can't I just live like a normal person? Well, maybe I'll enjoy it. Who knows. Must be optimistic. I let out a deep sigh. A life is definitely not chosen


Well, for the few days I've been here, things aren't so bad after all. Coming in knowing this is an institute for assassins, I expected it to be more serious and grim. I mean, on our first day Axel already got laughed at. That was funny. Well, it serves him right. He was always an egocentric little boy.

Well, I can't really say that the situation here isn't like the outside world. The big are still picking on the small. I mean, I even had to diffuse the situation with Jin in the mess hall. Can't believe no one else stood up. I can't really stand people like that. People that were lucky to be born the way they are, while being inconsiderate of the less unfortunate ones. I still feel guilty for being given this type of life. At least I get to root out the corruption myself. One of the perks of being an assassin.


I was just trying to pass the time by exploring around the compound. Things are quite calm now after being hectic for a while. Just the other day a trainee was kidnapped. I mean, how does that even happen? What are the higher ups even doing? They should really do something about the security. And of course, only when there's an incident do they decide to interrogate the trainees. Shouldn't have they just investigated the trainees before accepting their applications?

There must be something really wrong with them. Not to mention quite a lot of them were spies. How the great have fallen. I could've sworn The Order of Assassins have done tons of unimaginable things throughout history. I bet the ancestors are crying blood looking down on our pitiful state. Well, at least the institute is more peaceful these days.

As I was walking around, I saw an old man in rags. He had quite a familiar figure. I approached him just to make sure.

"Supreme Chief Mandel?"

"Ah, if it isn't little Chantria? Hoho, not so little anymore, are we? Oh, and please don't call me that. Just call me uncle like you used to. I'm undercover right now"

"Sorry, uncle. But why exactly are you hiding? You know, you could've just have used your SpyBand's invisibility feature? Though your naming sense is still as bad as ever"

"Hoho, I'm just looking at all of these year's trainees. Some of them are quite interesting though. Too bad he got kidnapped along with my gift for him. I hope he gets back alright with the ring of Second Life"

"Wait, you just gave the ring of Second Life, your greatest invention, to a mere trainee and let him get kidnapped? Your judgement is at an all time low, uncle"

"Hoho, I see the big Chantria has lots to say. And please don't judge my decisions. Remember, it was also my horrible judgements that helped your family get where they are now"

"Sorry, uncle. That was uncalled for"

"Hoho, don't worry. How could I ever get mad at you. I still want to maintain my charms even as I grow old. I'll be going now. Please keep all this a secret please. Especially form your father. I don't want to be having an earful anytime soon"

"Okay, uncle. I'll see you soon. I hope your rings gets back safe"

"Hoho, of course it will. When have I ever been wrong?".

Ah, its been ages since I last saw uncle Mandel. He's known as 'The Tech Master' as well as an elder of The Order. Well, he is more well known as the Head Chief. Head of Tech Corps, the group known for information trafficking, RnD, as well as equipment production. He sure is as carefree as ever.

He's known my family as long as I can remember and even helped us during our decline. If it weren't for his guidance, my father would've never discovered the Wireless method, a technique specialized in bypassing mechs and androids without even having to get close. Truly a useful technique for assassins to eliminate their targets by using their own security against them.

It really is a convenient technique. No need to get hands-on and best of all, it can't be traced back to you. The only drawback is its difficulty to use. Too bad this technique hasn't been passed down to me yet. Apparently I have to graduate with flying colors. Whatever that means.


Ahh. Being an old man sure is tiring. Well, watching the younger generation sure is refreshing at least. Hoho, so many interesting hatchlings. Well, most of them are stuck-up if I'm honest. Seeing the hungry, desperate ones sure remind me of my younger days.

Well, I wonder how that one is doing. Well, all I can do is pray. Who knew, an assassin that believes in god. Definitely a dime a dozen. Oh well, being senile gives you a chance to think back on life. Ahh. I can't really say I lived a good one but at least I can say that I really lived. Killing to make a living is much better than just slaving away somewhere.

It definitely feels good to reminisce once in a while. Ah, I can't believe that little boy living alone with no hope could be so successful. I still remember. All alone in the slums. The only way I could live was to rob others. Not like there was much to rob, living in the slums and all, but I still managed.

It was on that fateful day where I made the mistake of robbing a certain assassin. Deacon Roberts. He was quite a famous one. Countless kills to his name. Multiple organizations toppled. Heck, even great human advancements were delayed by him. Well, I can't really say it was a mistake robbing from him. Well, other than him torturing the XX year old me, I didn't really regret that decision. After seeing my resilience and the hungry look in my eyes, he decided to personally train me.

It was definitely hard at first. Actually, I think it was hard all the way to the end. During the free time I had after training I dabbled in technology. He always had interesting gadgets his associates gave him to test. After seeing my fascination, he decided to find me a suitable tutor. I worked hard, day and night.

Tempering my body and honing my body during the day and studying at night. After training for five years, he finally deemed me worthy. He brought me to one of The Order's branches to help make me professional. All the ones in charge of evaluating me were amazed at my skills and prowess at my age. They also seemed glad that my master finally had a protégé.

Throughout my career, I received many names, accolades, praises and acknowledgement from all famous people. I was even well known in the real world as 'The Harbinger of Death', 'Firewall of Bad Omen', and many others. There were quite a few weird names as well but that's just to be expected from someone so mysterious.

Honestly, after working so hard as an assassin I really wanted to lay low for a while. Some of my colleagues were in their 50s and still continuing with this line of work. Just stop and be a teacher or something. The Order also didn't really seem happy with my resignation.

It was then that I suggested that I will work in the Tech Corps. I always worked with tech during my free time but maybe I'll get to accomplish more full time. I showed The Order some of my creations to convince them. They seemed happy so I was glad.

Thinking back, there were tons of thing I created for The Order. Things meant for assassination, infiltration, server breaching. I think most of them are still used until now. Looking at all my accomplishment, they decided to make me the new head. Hah... So many tools of destruction. Most used to end countless lives.

I felt really proud back then but thinking back, was it really the right choice? It's too late to regret. Well, if I were to blame anyone, I would blame this cruel world were a boy was forced to rob and eventually become an assassin. Truly a life not chosen.


I heard the boy who got kidnapped is back. Hearing about all the torture he had to through because of that ring, I feel sorry for him. Not to mention he doesn't really have a pleasant background. Such a pity. Well, I am quite curious. I want to see this person that uncle Mandel, a large figure, chose. I heard he was from class 1G. I'll wait for him once class is over.


Well, here I am. I'm glad the teacher wrapped up early so I can wait for him. Wait, now that I'm here, what should I say? Congratulations? For getting out safe? No, that will just trigger his trauma. Considering that I am from a famous family, will he hate me? Well, I never picked on people like him but I'm afraid he doesn't know that. Ahh, I'm so nervous. Why am I blushing??

I shouldn't be this nervous, I'm just trying to talk to a guy. I've done that before. Snobbish, egocentric guys that act all high and mighty that is. But I don't know how he'll react. I've never talked to someone like him before. I don't want him to hate me. I hope he's open mined.

The classroom door opened. I unconsciously hid around a corner faster than a small frog running from a snake. I heard there were only four people in this class. He shouldn't be hard to spot. I'll just toughen up and talk to him. I'll decide what to say after seeing how he reacts. Yes. I can do this. Come on, you're a Marco. There was a gloomy girl who sneaked out swiftly. I believe that should be Suzuki Ayaka, Jin's twin sister. I heard she had an inferiority complex towards her more accomplished brother.

Doesn't look like she really minds though. In fact, I could even sense a weird aura around her. Never mind. Suddenly a tall figure came out of the classroom. Black hair, different colored eyes, sharp jawline, chiseled cheek bones, and a well-designed nose. Was there really such a handsome man like him here? Maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me. I blink a couple of times and look back. Nope. He's still there. As perfect as ever.

"Hey Jeremy! I'll be going first! I have something to do before lunch!"

"Sure! Do whatever you want. Just be sure not to push yourself, just in case you hurt your body"

"Yeah, sure!" the man yells at his friend who is still in class.

This must be him, judging by their conversation. I wouldn't really be surprised if uncle Mandel chose him just for his looks. He went off somewhere and I sneakily followed him. Where exactly is he going? We've been wandering around for quite a while.

Suddenly, he turns around. I quickly hid myself. I can't let him know that I've been following him now, can I? He must have a bad impression of me if he found out. I kept curiously following him for quite a while. Then, he just took off faster than a rat being chased by a cat. What was that for? I tried to chase him at my best but still lost him. Oh well...