
The mech is rapidly approaching me now. Damn, my legs are still frozen. I quickly hold out the metal bat in front of me with two hands, bracing for impact.


There was a loud metal noise. The mech made impact with the metal bat. The force from the mech made me slide on my feet a few feet back. The bat is now bent beyond use. Damn, now I lost my only weapon.

I gripped my thigh as strong as I could. Finally, I'm getting back some reaction. I can now maneuver. The mech charged at me again.

Okay, think, think! The mech is big and strong and hard and heavy. Don't tell me that I don't even have a chance.

I make a worried face.

While wasting my time thinking, the mech is much closer now. I successfully dodged its attack and created some distance between us. Wait, I've been able to predict most of his attacks and react to them.

Yes! Although the mech is big and strong but the movements are way too obvious! Okay, time to think of a counterattack. I continue avoiding a couple of its attacks.

Since its not human, it won't be getting tired any time soon. Ah. In fact, I'm the one getting tired. I should really do more stamina training. Damn. I still can't find any openings. I need to find one soon or else I'm toast.

There. There it is! Yes, I can make this work. I'm going to suffer a bit but it will surely be worth it. Okay, so here's the plan. I've noticed something like a power source behind its 'neck'.

If I could somehow get behind and mount it, I might be able to deactivate it. Okay, I just need to let it charge at me then I'll take advantage of that split-second opening.

Okay. Here it comes. As it's launching its attack towards me, I quickly slide underneath it, between its legs, then quickly stand up and turn around. Okay, I have to nail this. I jump towards the mech and successfully mounted its back. Yes, there it is! The power source is right in front of me. I just need to reach out to it and deactivate it somehow-

One of the mech's hands reached its back and grabbed me. Shit, I never accounted for this possibility. The mech throws me forward like a ragdoll.

I skid and rolled a couple of times before finally hitting against a wall. Damn, the pain is excruciating. I think I cracked a few ribs. I think my left shoulder's dislocated due to the impact with the wall just now. Ackk!! Damn, I can't take it anymore. There's also this sudden piercing lain... Maybe I'll just sleep it off...

I wake up staring at an empty white ceiling. Where am I? I thought I was fighting the mech. Huh. The pain is suddenly gone. My left shoulder is also all better now. I look around only to find myself in the dojo.

I stood up and went outside. I took a deep breath of fresh air. Ah, that's refreshing. I feel like just melting away my stress in the cool evening breeze. After enjoying the air for a bit, I went inside to look for the old dude or Ayaka. I found them at the back of the dojo. The old dude was teaching Ayaka something.

"Haha, awake already are we?"

"Yeah. What happened to my injuries by the way?"

"Oh, that. I believe you still remember the method they used to treat you back then? Think of it as something like that. Though, this old man isn't really good at it so your ribs might puncture through your chest again"


"Yeah, there were quite a few poking out. About your training suit, there should be a new one waiting in your room".

I look down on my chest to see that most of it is wrapped in bandages. There were a few parts that were ripped as well.

"Don't you think you should be heading to dinner now? I mean, I don't want you to cut our ties just because you skipped a meal. You can go as well, Ayaka"

"Is okay, master. Can train longer"

"Haha, so full of energy. Just go. Resting is also important".

She bows and leaves obediently. I trail along behind her. We left the cave and headed to the mess hall together.

Once we arrived, there were already quite a few people sitting down at tables eating. Most of them looked at my bandaged body curiously while others weren't really interested. I took my food and looked for a place to sit. I found Jeremy enjoying lunch with Marie. Marie seemed like she was eagerly calling for me to join them but I ignored her.

No hard feelings, but I don't really feel like facing Jeremy. I found a place that was empty and sat there. Ayaka joined me soon after.

"So, how was it? Torture? Hurt? Scary? Tell me"

"I don't really feel like talking about it"


I almost threw my tray at her.


Ah! There he is! Maybe I should take this chance to talk to him. Wait, why is he covered in bandages though? Don't tell me something bad happened to him? I gasped.

Maybe I should be asking him. Its nothing, I'm just worried as a fellow trainee. He won't hate me for that, right?

As I was about to approach, Ayaka sat in front of him. What?! What is their relationship? Why are they eating together, just the two of them? Wait. This might actually be good. I might be able to approach them like this.

I went towards them practically shaking with anxiety. I quickly sat down right next to Erik. Oof. I'm so nervous right now.

Were the tables always this cramped? (Its not). I mean, I'm practically leaning against him. Ahh, why are the tables this small? (They're really not...).

I try to divert my attention to Ayaka. Maybe that'll calm me down a bit.

"Um, so ah, Ayaka! Long time no see, right? Ah, don't mind me. I just wanted to catch up with you since its been a while. I'll just be eating here if it's alright with you"

I take a quick glance at Erik. What?! Why is he making that sort of face? What is that supposed to mean? It's not saying something like "Goddammit just bugger off please, you're ruining my precious time with Ayaka" is it? Please no...


After that awkward conversation, I continued eating. It was then that I noticed Chantria coming over. Wait, she is coming over to me right? This isn't just my imagination right? Please don't be.

I glanced back only to see the wall. Thank god, this isn't just my imagination. Wait. If she really is coming here, then why? She couldn't be coming here to tell me how unsightly I am with the bandages and ripped suit am I right?

Wait, maybe she's mad at the fact a commoner like me is hanging around with a person like Ayaka right?

I looked back at Chantria. There she was, walking on over ever so gracefully. Once she arrived, she immediately sat down next to me. My heart was practically jumping at this point. I can't believe it! Chantria is sitting next to me, oh my gawd!

Wait. Let me clear my thoughts first. Maybe she just came to talk to Ayaka. That's why she sat next to me. She doesn't want to see my face, maybe. Well, it works out a bit.

I don't want her to look at my embarrassing face. Honestly, I look so dumb when I'm nervous. I hope she doesn't look over and misunderstands. Ahh, why is she sitting so close to me... Were the tables always this cramped?(Honestly its not, just stop already smh... *visible frustration).

"Um, so ah, Ayaka! Long time no see, right? Ah, don't mind me. I just wanted to catch up with you since its been a while. I'll just be eating here if it's alright with you".

So that was it all along eh? My face is completely flustered by now. God, anyone would laugh if they saw my face like this.

"Oh, Chantria! Yeah, its been quite a while since we've last had a meeting like this. I am so glad to be able to talk with this like you again. We should do lots of catching up later!"

"Yeah, definitely!"

"Oh, where are my manners. This here is Erik, my classmate. The one sitting next to you making a face as if he was a baboon's backside". Goddammit that Ayaka. She just had to throw me under the bus didn't she. I bet she's feeling really satisfied with herself. Wait, did she always talk like that?

"Ayaka... Thanks for introducing me to your.. beautiful friend here. Though, your descriptions are as questionable as ever..." I say through gritted teeth and a beet red face.

"What you talk about baboon? Don't talk to me. Me no interested with baboon butt"

Grgh, this woman is seriously asking for it. I smile while I make an agitated face. I'll really hand it to you one day, just you wait.

"Um, so, Chantria? Do you mind us continuing this conversation elsewhere? Mr. Baboon Backside here looks like he's not interested in listening to our girl talk"

"Oh? Yeah, okay, sure. Why not".

They finished up eating and just left me like that.

"Oh, baboon butt. Don't forget tomorrow also. Master not like wait long".

She's definitely doing it intentionally at this point.


Ah! What was that about?! Him calling me pretty?! No. Keep calm. Think straight. Maybe he meant something like "-but not as beautiful as my Ayaka that is". No! I mean, it can't be, right? Well, it actually might be true. I mean, considering their playful banter just now... No!

I must think straight. I wouldn't want to have any misunderstandings. But they were just too cute... No! I must not give up. Maybe they're not there yet... Yes! Exactly!

"Ayaka! From now on you're my rival!"

"What? Pftt. No, no. You have it seriously wrong! Ahhh, you're so funny. By master back then of course I meant our class teacher..." she says nervously.

You know, you can just be honest. You're way too cute Ayaka! Too bad we have to be rivals from now on. Hmphh.


"Bye, Marie! I'll see you soon!". I quietly left the mess hall after eating and headed back to my room.

I entered to find Erik changing. All the bandages previously wrapping his body are on the floor, his body exposed. I keep getting shivers every time I see the plentiful scars on his body. Imagine having all that done to you in five months.

"So, what's up with all those bandages?"

"None of your business"

"Oh really? So, you messing around with girls is also none of my business then?"


"Oh, shut up. Don't play the fool. I saw how you were with Ayaka and Chantria at the mess hall just now. Must feel good huh, messing around while I'm here working my ass off?"

"What do you know about working your ass off?!"

"I know everything about working my ass off! Ever since I took care of you after 'that'! Who was it that worked hard to fill both our bellies?! Who was it that worked hard to protect us from people trying to take advantage of us? Who was it that that worked hard to get us both here?!" I say with warm tears flowing out my eyes.

I feel a sharp slap fly across my face.

"What the hell was that for?!" I exclaimed furiously.

"For you being an idiot. Of course you know what it means to work your ass off. Just... Shut up"

"..." we ended the conversation in silence.

We both decided to just head to sleep instead of arguing any further. What's happening to our relationship at this point.

Is it my fault? But... I've been doing everything by myself all this time... All for Erik. I can't bring myself to hate him. But I can't really stand looking at him just messing around... Arghh!! This is all so complicated...