As Kur lands i start to walk i know the way form here and soon enough i reach the base i enter and Draco looks at me surprised it had been a week and everyone thought another one was killed i sit down with him and tell the story I killed him but one the way back we got ambushed by all of them but we managed to escape i killed the werewolf and have wakened the phoenix but iam gonna kill him next we got lost one the way but Kur here saved me now i want to spend the money on a feast for me and Kur as he say don't worry I'll buy it for you as i say i lost my sword can you tell me about a good blacksmith as he says there is a legendary blacksmith he lives in the outskirts of town but he is gonna cost ya but his sword are used by many of the greatest soldiers that sword you have it was made by him the enchanted one it was a gift the original owner of that sword helped make this place as i reply it was a gift to me form my mother she died trying to protect the royal family.