Before i find the blacksmith i need to find a good sword of my own i make my way to a market place most of them got normal sword i did like the last one but its shattered and there something catches my eye it has a gem in the middle it seems two handed but it has a smell making it light i ask to take it for a spin as i try it out but as i hit the ground i don't feel anything but when i look below there is a small crater thier the sword also has a Master's mode i click it and it instantly hits the ground the blade is absolutely massive i turn the think back i go back and ask if this comes in a set he shows me a gallery of armors i pick one that i like and iam on my way it all came up to about 500k i hand him the money tipping 100k being rich is awesome i buy some food form me and kur and we start our journey it is said he lives in one of the bases of the bloody palm imprisoned if doesn't do as said he won't die everyone else he knows will