and as I attack easily overpowering it and as I start to show dominance over him but soon It is able to attack me and I get hit slowing me down but soon i start to gain the uper hand but soon it reaches the second stage and proceeds to block my attacks I attacks faster then the speed of sound but he blocks them then I see an opening but then he jumps back can he see the future?! as I attack him and he defend maybe I should attack erratically and as I attack I manage to land one hit but just barely and soon it goes on offensive and it lands several devastating blows as I am send into the air I manage to land a hit but he planned it as he grabs my foot and throws me towards the ground as my memories flash in front of my eyes my enemies my friend and my reasons for the path i have chosen and a flame is ignited inside me and as i unlock that unknown power once again and as the beast also powers up stage three well then one of us not gonna make out of here alive