And as out auras clash you know that one of us is not gonna make out of here alive as a purple aura surrounds me red for his and then I attack my power is slightly higher then his and I am able to do some damage only a little bit as I cough out some blood and I take out a pill and eat it a rush of energy comes to me and as my aura explodes with power and I look at him your time has come as I rush at him with incredible speed landing a solid hit and as he's sent flying I grab him by his face and I say you can get powerful without these spells no forbidden spells as i as i smash him into the ground ah revenge does feel good as I throw him up into the air he power up a beam and I combat his beam of energy with my own
ELEMENTAL BEAM as earth rises form the ground air compressed to be sharper then any blade and a shoot as my beam overtakes him a massive explosion happens as I revert a legendary clash this was indeed I say to myself