20.) Diva the Succubus

From the spell circle appeared a woman so breathtakingly beautiful and seductive that saints would go against their religion and become her loyal dogs. Her entrance evoked reactions from both men and women who stood present in the room.

The woman's butterscotch skin glistened in the light, showing zero imperfections. Her veil of raven and turquoise hair with gold highlights extended down her lower back. A few strands fell into her amorous teal blue jeweled eyes.

While the woman may have given others the slight impression of a minor moon or water goddess, the horns jutting from her head told a different story.

"Hmph, so this is why you summon me, dear master?" The woman drawled in a siren-like voice.

She donned a risqué military-inspired outfit that proudly showed off her tall, voluptuous figure. A long thin tail swung from her rear end as her sultry, kissable blue lips hooked into a smirk.

"So, who is it that you want me to punish this time?" asked the woman who, from the information that appeared on Dawn's system, designated the woman as an {Lvl.12-Succubus Demon}.

'So, she finally appears before my eyes, the succubus, Diva!' Like the others, Dawn was dazed by the woman's looks, telling herself that the flesh and blood version was ten times better than what the illustrations depicted in the webtoon.

Like Jerry and his goons, Diva was another character that appeared in the story, World Savior. A woman who had the misfortune of being shackled and enslaved to Jerry's command due to the {Demon Slave Collar} he placed on her.

In the original story, after Ara came to District U21, she encountered Jerry's thugs, who by that point had taken over this entire area, which explained why the original webtoon never mentioned this safe zone.

'I don't know what he did, but it must've been some underhand tactic. We are now in the second week of the second month. Which means Jerry is still in the middle of building his stronghold.'

Jerry's stronghold was a brothel that he opened, luring customers to his establishment and offering sexual pleasure using the succubi and incubi that had transferred to his authority after enslaving Diva.

Jerry backed his actions by using the excuse that such creatures thrived off sexual activities, so such a task should come easy to them, ordering them to serve customers. He exploited their nature, not caring for their consent or the abuse they would suffer from some of his extreme deviant customers.

Over time, Jerry's greed grew as he watched his business expand, but the number of succubi and incubi wasn't enough. Thus Jerry began kidnapping good-looking human girls to serve at his pleasure club.

Even with such a foul deed, Jerry showed zero concern and relished the joy of armoring himself with strong allies to protect himself. The reason why Jerry was able to stay alive so long mainly rested on these allies, along with Diva, who he used as if she was a Pokemon. He forced the succubus into battles that would level up her strength despite the numerous times she almost lost her life.

Using the large collection of high-grade healing potions, he bought from the items shop on her, once Diva's wounds healed, Jerry would force her into yet another battle. All with the intent of using Diva as his personal shield to protect him from danger.

Yet, even after all that leveling up, she was forced to undergo, in the end, she was still no match for Ara, who took the succubus's life.

Dawn watched as Diva stretched forth her hand. The man trying to sneak out of the room was unaware when water formed underneath his feet and trapped him in a water sphere that lifted him off the ground.

While the man struggled to breathe while trapped in the water sphere, Diva summoned the sphere toward herself.

"Here's the rat you requested, dear master~!" sang Diva.

"Nice job, my sweet pet!"Jerry praised the succubus, swatting a hand against Diva's rear while wearing a lecherous grin.

Diva received such actions with a flirtatious giggle, yet the sharp look in her eyes spoke of how she wanted to sever Jerry's disrespectful hand from his arm.

Diva snapped her fingers and the water sphere dispersed, dropping the man onto the ground.

"Please, Jerry, give me a few extra days! I promise to pay you back the money!" the man pleaded with teary eyes. Jerry squatted down and looked him directly in the eyes.

"Pete, my man, I've already given you two extensions! Time is up! Meaning, where's my money?" The dangerous glint in Jerry's eyes as he made this demand caused the man to quiver, seeing as he didn't have an answer.

Jerry stood back on his feet, proud of the fear he triggered in the man, and looked at Trevor.

"Well, seeing as he doesn't have my money, we must take this situation into our own hands. Boys, grab him."

On his command, his goons seized Pete.

"Wait! You can't let him take me away! He'll kill me! Trevor, please, save me!" Pete, a man who looked to be in his middle thirties with a scruff, begged.

"You reap what you sow," Trevor coldly told the man, who paled as he foresaw his own doom at the hands of Jerry and his gang.

"Haha, Trevor, I always knew you were a smart man! Alright, boys, let's get out of here and have some fun with the beauties that await us!" Jerry wore a lecherous smile as he turned on his heels, ready to swagger out of the room when Trevor's voice stopped him.

"But, that doesn't mean I'm just going to allow you to walk away!" A swirl of intense pressure emitted from Trevor. Cracks formed on the windows. The blast of air that swirled around Trevor blew Dawn's hair back, and she swore she heard something that sounded like a lion's roar.

A red aura basked Trevor's body, his eyes glowing gold as his nails sharpened.

"I swear I'll rip your head from your body for what you did to Trica!" Trevor growled like a lion fueled with rage, racing forth, ready to follow through with his threat.

Yet instead of Jerry's petrified body, his claws came in contact with a water barrier that protected Jerry and his goons. The one who summoned the shield was Diva.

"My, aren't you feisty! I usually find men like you interesting. Too bad I must put a pup like you in your place," said Diva as a tendril of water sent Trevor flying through the ceiling before landing on the field outside in an unconscious state.

"Trevor!" Lily was the first to shout, unable to believe how easily Trevor, who was ranked the strongest at their base, was taken out of commission.

"This has been fun, but we should get a move on, master~!" A water barrier expelled from the ground, teleporting the group back to their home base, leaving a room of people unable to comprehend what took place.