21.) Sneaking off to Battle a Scumbag

Dawn stood inside the base's infirmary with Lily, watching the brunette assigned to the nurse team bandage Trevor's wounds.

"I count at least four major injuries you sustain. You're going to be out of commission for a while," said the girl.

"Out of commission? No such thing! I want the guy's head on a platter for what he did to Tricia!" Trevor angrily snatched his arm away from the girl who was beginning to bandage it and hopped off the bed to stand on his feet.

"Trevor, I understand how you feel, but you can't go and confront Jerry in this condition!" Lily tried to scream common sense into him.

"I don't wanna hear it, Lily! Tricia was everything to me! The guilt of allowing that sleazy bastard in my hunting group, for allowing that trash to perform such a deed and get away with it... it's too much! His head should be on a spike! Especially that bitch, Martha!"

Trevor stormed out of the room, leaving Lily to sigh at his retreating back.

"If he fights in that condition, death will be the only thing waiting for him. That succubus demon working for Jerry is no joke!" Lily crossed her arms and contemplate.

"Hey, Lily, who is Martha?" Dawn asked, recalling Jerry, Diva, and the two goons, but not a woman called Martha. Even in the story, when Jerry was introduced, she recalled no one named Martha.

"A bitch!" Lily spat with disgust. "She was once a refugee here and was assigned to the nurse team. She's also Jerry's younger sister, who obentiently follows and listens to everything he says like a little puppy."

'Wait! Since when did Jerry have a sister? There was no mention of a younger sister in the original webtoon!' Dawn pondered on this flaw that differentiated from the original story.

'If Jerry indeed has a younger sister, maybe the merging of the two worlds has evoked changes from the original storyline?!' Various ideas began to fill Dawn head.

"Martha can manipulate fragrance, an ability given to her by her banker. The day Tricia was violated, Martha had tagged along, substituting for Trevor's healer, who called in sick that day. I don't know how the two concocted such a devious plan, but after the hunting group completed their mission, they decided to rest before heading back to base."

A grim expression marred Lily's face. "When Tricia left to relieve herself" --Dawn patiently listened to Lily's story-- "Marth induced the members into a deep sleep, minus Jerry, by using her power. She then used this same ability on Tricia but used an aphrodisiac fragrance that made it easier for Jerry to take advantage of her. Of course, you know how the story ends." Lily hinted and Dawn nodded her head.

But Dawn noticed yet another change.

'In the original novel, Jerry had no help when he violated and killed Tricia. If there are changes, I better expect the unexpected and hopefully hear a word from my family soon!'

Since Dawn first issued that message, she had yet to receive anything back which made her anxiety grow worse concerning her family's well-being.

After Lily and Dawn left the infirmary, they could be seen walking down the hallway together.

"Like a rat, Jerry ran away from the scene of the crime along with Martha! Tricia's death destroyed Trevor, and he vowed vengeance against those who caused her unfortunate demise."

In the middle of their walk, Dawn paused in her footsteps. In front of her was a creepy black screen with red words that read:

{New Mission}

{Save the succubus Diva and destroy the Demon Slave Collar}

{Reward: 1,000 coins}

{Penalty: Death}

{Good Luck, Player~!}

'What the? Why do I sense so much hatred coming from this message!? And why is the penalty death again?!' Dawn placed a hand over her heart, sensing an old grievance embedded in this message.

'Well, it isn't like I wasn't going to do it anyway. Diva was the succubus I wanted to recruit and the reason why I came to District-Y25.'

Later after that day, just after the sun had set, Dawn stood at the front entrance of the base with Kris and Rin standing on either side of her. Blocking the door stood Trevor who was currently glaring down at her.

"And just where do you think you're going, pipsqueak?" Trevor demanded.

Dawn had her hands shoved in her pockets and cocked an eyebrow as her eyes peered up at Trevor.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that same question?"

"Isn't it obvious? To kill that bastard!"

"Didn't you hear what the nurse said to you? You're not fit to go out and get revenge in your condition-"

"I don't want to hear it!" Trevor cut Dawn off, balling his hands into fists.

"That bastard raped and killed my girlfriend! If I don't get revenge, who will?! He deserves to rot in the deepest pits of hell, and I'm going to be the one to put him there!" Dawn could see flames of anger shoot through Trevor as he yelled at her.

Turning his back toward them, Trevor placed his hand on the door handle, ready to walk out, when Dawn said something that made him turn around.

"What did you say?"

"I said, you're not going to be the one to take his life. I am!"

Dawn stood her ground when Trevor's bulky figure suddenly loomed over her. Trevor was like a lion glaring down at a tiny mouse.

"Ha! You?!" Trevor laughed in Dawn's face. "You couldn't even land a hit on me! So what makes you believe that you stand a better chance than me?" Trevor mockingly asked.

"Let me prove myself by correcting what you said. Test me again, and you'll see for yourself," said Dawn, only for another voice to interrupt.

"I knew I'd find you here. Well, at least one of you. " Lily shot a puzzled look at Dawn, Kris, and Rin.

"So, you're here to see the squirt get her ass handed to her again?" Trevor cockily asked Lily, believing Dawn was only setting herself up for yet another loss.

"While I am confused as to why she's here, Dawn is not the same girl from your first encounter," Lily said with confidence.

"Is that so? Well, show me what you've got, squirt! Prove me wrong!" Just like before, a red aura covered Trevor. Throwing a punch, he unleashed a wave of mana that ripped through the floor.

Dawn calmly stared at the incoming attack, handing Neko-chan to Kris before saying Rin's name. The wave of mana clashed with a sphere of pale blue light, which canceled the attack. Trevor searched for Dawn, who was no longer standing before him, and stilled when he felt cool air brush against his neck.

"Move, and I'll sever your neck and plunge this into your heart," Dawn threatened in a cold voice. A small impact of fear hit Trevor like water. A bead of sweat dripped down and landed on the ice blade that Dawn held close to his neck. Welding another, she had it aimed at his back.

"I told you..." Dawn reverted to her normal appearance. Rin stood next to her with a blushing face as he pondered over the first experience of merging with his dear mistress.

"Exhilarating!" Rin's eyes sparkled with pure joy, acting like an obsessed fanboy who just shook hands with his female idol crush.

"Look, I'm not stopping you. Heck, I'd even let you get a few hits on the guy. But it seems to me that you and I are heading in the same direction." Trevor turned around and stared down at Dawn.

"So either you tag along or stay behind. The choice is yours to make," said Dawn, who began to head towards the door.

"I'm coming as well." Trevor gave Dawn his answer, ready to follow after the group when Lily's voice made everyone pause and shoot her a look.