The Crash

"Tori! Tori!" shouted Mrs.Allen it's time for school.

"Yes mom I know, I'm ready". "Hey! mom has dad already left for work?" I said.

"Yes honey he left your lunch money on the counter and he said he loves you," said Mrs.Allen.

"Mom why does dad always leave so early in the morning?" I asked.

"Tori you know your dad has to work," said Mrs.Allen.

"Whatever! I think, I'm gonna walk to school," I said.

"Are you sure?" said Mrs.Allen.

"Yes! mom, bye, love you" I said.

"Bye honey, love you too have a nice day and be safe," said Mrs.Allen.

35 mins later

I was at school. They say the hardest part of a teen's life is going through puberty well, I disagree. The hardest part of a teen's life is high school because at high school you learn different things in different ways, you meet new people, and then you get to know them and then you decide if their good or bad if you like them or not.

You think of what you want to do when you're in a higher grade or higher class in school. Then you have to choose if you want to be the duff, the nerd, the geek, the musician, the jock, the cheerleader, or the most popular and hottest teen or teenager in school, so that's why I disagree with puberty being the hardest part of a teenagers life.

My name is Victoria Allen and this is my story. I'm 17 years old. I attend Gilmore High School. I'm on the dance team at my school just like my two best friends Zari Scott and Sabrina Hawk. Zari and Sabrina have been my best friends since the first grade. Zari is the captain of the dance team at our school and her boyfriend Zack is the co-captain of the basketball team and he is also the second most popular boy in school, he is very cool and nice.

Zari is like a sister to me because almost every day she sleeps over and has dinner with my parents and I. Zari and her family moved here to California from England 5 years ago.Then 3 years ago, Zari's father was shot by accident by the police. After her dad died it was just her mother Lauren, her brother Damon and her. Her mother was cold-hearted after the funeral but with the help of her family and a therapist she got better, she was more open and happy. Damon is the most popular boy in school, he is also the captain of the basketball team. I know what you might be thinking that leadership runs in their family, well it pretty much does. So that's it about Zari you will know more sooner or later.

Sabrina is a Science and Mathematics girl, she is tremendously smart. She hates boats. Sabrina lives with her Abuela Sherine, Abuelo Paul, and her hermanã Kelly. Sabrina's parents are doctors in another country, don't ask me why because I don't know why and every time someone brings up her parents she feels sad.So yeah, that's it about my best friends. They're interested in their own way and I love them just the way they are.

Anyways I have a Spanish class now so I'm going to go because I don't want to be late.

45 mins later

Oh my god, I'm exhausted after learning that many Spanish words. My teacher, Ms. Thomas says every Spanish class we're going to learn 20 Spanish words that are often used such as hola, Como estas, yo, Buenos Dias and Buenos Noche and much more.

It's lunch time now and everybody is heading to the cafeteria for lunch.

So I went to the cafeteria to meet up with Zari and Sabrina.

5 mins later

I reached at the cafeteria and caught up with my besties.

The cafeteria is not my favorite place to eat lunch. Why? Damon, Zari's Brother, The person who used to be my best friend, who I now cannot tolerate, is always making eye contact with me and I find it very creepy and disturbing. He used to be such an awesome and cool person before his dad died but after his dad died everything changed. I'm going to tell you more after the girls and I collect our lunch.

Zari, Sabrina, and I collected our lunch then we went to sit at our table. This table is just for us, Zari, Sabrina, and I claimed it on our first day here, it's also the table we've been sitting at since we first met.

So we started talking about what classes we have next and then, Damon walked over with his girlfriend Ashley Dillion.

"Hey Zari, tell mum I'll be home late," said Damon.

"What you going to another party huh?" said Zari.

He smirked.

Ashley looked at me with a disgusted look on her face, I just rolled my eye at her.Honestly, I have no idea why she hates me I just know she does. I believe she is the reason Damon became more of a jerk and closed off from the world after his dad died. She is the most popular girl in the school and she is also a bully. She doesn't care for anyone but herself and she thinks that the world revolves around her.

He just cares about partying and being a jerk now and he thinks it's cool and it's not. Every girl in school wants him except 3 girls, Sabrina, Zari and I. I know Damon was a good person but I just can't see that person again. I know his father death affected him in a way I could never understand.I don't think he should be mean to everyone who cares about him and who wants to help him including me, that's the reason we stopped talking and stopped being friends.

He said some hurtful things to me and I don't think I can ever forgive him. Plus he has his girlfriend who parties with him almost every day, it's like she has no parents or guardians or they simply just don't care. To be honest, I have never seen her parents at school before or ever. Anyways I'm gonna stop talk about her and finish eating my food before lunchtime up because I want to talk to the girls about the tryouts for the dance team and about what we're looking for this year at tryouts.


Went to the school bell just in time too because I'm finished eating and so are zari and Sabrina. I have English, zari has history and Sabrina has maths.

"See you later Victoria," said zari.

Then I said bye to Sabrina and zari.

"Maths is my last class for the day," said Sabrina.

"English is my last class for the day," I said.

"History is my last class for the day," said Zari.

Bye girls I said to Zari and Sabrina after I said bye to the girls. I went to English class.Guys you will never guess who is in my English class, Damon he loves English class although he's a jerk, he still loves to read and write just like me.

30 mins later

English class was over and now I'm heading to the gym for the dance team tryouts.

"Victoria wait," Said Damon.

"What Damon," I said.

"You want to come with me to a party tonight," said Damon.

"No!" I said.

"Come on it's not like you have anything better to do," said Damon.

"Are you deaf no!" I said.

"Alright call me when you change your mind," said Damon.

"I won't," I said.

Now I'm going to the gym hopefully tryouts are a success.

25 mins later

I was at the gym then I saw Z aka Zari and Brina aka Sabrina. I went over to where they were and said you guys ready to start.

"Yeah theirs a lot of people trying out for the dance team this year," said Z.

"How many students do we need for the dance team?" asked Brina.

"7 we need 7 because we want an even number of members for the dance team like how theirs already 3 you, me and Tori aka Victoria we just need like 7 more to make 10," said Z to Brina and me.

So after we were done discussing how many dance members we would need. We then started tryouts.

1 hour and 5 mins later.

We now have 7 new dance members.

"They are good dancers, very kind, smart, cool, and not too clingy," I said.

"They're just what we need for this year's dance team they are resilient and amazing," said Z.

"They are patient and strong," said Brina.

🎶ring ring ring ring you don't hear my line no more oh oh oh, went my Cardi B ringtone.

"Hello!" I Said when I answered my phone.

"I'm coming," I said to my parents on the phone when they told me "they were ready".

"So I will see you guys tomorrow," I said to Z and Brina.

"Bye Tori," said Brina.

"Hey Z who is going to drive you home," I said to Z.

"Zack," said Z.

"My Abuelo Paul will soon be here for me," said Brina.

"Bye guys love you," I said.

"Love you more," said Z and Brina.

"Don't miss us too much" said Brina.

"I will," I said.

5 mins later

I was in the car with my parents then we were on our way home.

"Hey dad can we go out tomorrow like how it's the holiday," I said.

"I can't Victoria I have work, maybe some other time," said Mr.Allen.

"You can't or you won't?" I asked.

"I'll go out with you tomorrow honey we can have a mother-daughter day," said Mrs.Allen.

"You know what, No! mom I don't want to go out with you tomorrow." All the time I go out with you I never get to spend any time with dad."Dad is always busy with work he never wants to spend time with me" I said.

Dad then turns his head and look at me and said "that's enough young lady." While my dad was talking to me a car was speeding towards my father's car. Then Boom! went the explosion when the speeding car crashed into my father's car and after that everything blank.