Death is a part of life

Aw! Aw! went me while I was opening my eyes. When I opened my eyes to look around to see where I am. I saw multiple machines one that is showing what the doctors use when they want to see your Heart rate and then I tried to get up to see if I saw my parents but I was in a hospital bed with I.V in my skin. You must be wondering what's an I.V well an I.V which is an intravenous therapy is a medical thing or technique that delivers fluids, medication, and nutrition directly in a person's vein.

So after I tried and tried to get up off the hospital bed but couldn't I then stopped and took a deep breath in and I tried again but with force, I took the I.V out of my skin and get up off the hospital bed. Then one of the machines in the room started to make a noise then two doctors ran in and stopped the machine from making noise.

"What are you doing out of bed?" asked the doctors.

"Where are my parents?" I said.

Then one of the doctors which is a female said "Please sit", with a sad look on her face. Then the next doctor which is a male said "what do you remember before the crash?"

"I remember arguing with my father while he was driving us home. While he was talking to me he took his eyes off the road for a minute but then a car was speeding right towards my father's car and then everything else blank! then I woke up and I was in a hospital bed" I said.

"You were in an accident and your parents died", said the doctors with a sad look on their faces.

"No! no! no! no! you're lying they're not dead, they're not dead", I said with tears running out of my eyes.

"I am so sorry but your dad died right after the crash he was dead before your mom called the police. After she called the police a couple of minutes later the police arrived with an ambulance and the ambulance carried you and your mom to the hospital but by the time the ambulance reached the hospital your mom was already dead" said the female doctor.

"It's my fault they're gone if I'd just agreed to go out with mom and finish the conversation dad wouldn't have taken his eyes off the road and we wouldn't have crashed. They're gone, what am I going to do without them? I'm scared" I said to the doctors with eye water dropping out of my eyes as raindrops out of the sky.

"It's okay, it's not your fault and your gonna be fine. Do you have any family nearby or in the country that can take care of you" said the male doctor.

"No I don't think so,can I get a call?" I said to the doctors.

"Sure here's the phone," said the female doctor.

So I took the phone and dialed Zari and Sabrina's number to call them and tell them what happened. After I called them and told them what happened they said they're on their way here to the hospital. I sat down on the hospital bed and wait for them to come while the doctors were looking after other patients with injuries.

30 mins later

Zari, Damon, Mrs.Scott, Zack, Sabrina, Kelly, Ms.Sherine, and Mr.Paul were here.

"O my god tori we're so sorry about what happened to your parents, are you okay?" Asked Zari.

"I'm fine but it still hurts because I miss them more than ever," I said.

"We're here if you need anything Victoria," said Ms.sherine and Mr.Paul.

"Thank you," I said.

"Tori come here it looks like you could use a hug," said Sabrina.

"So I went to Sabrina and I hugged her.

"Victoria you can stay with us as long as you want and I'm sorry about what happened to your parents, your parents were good and kind people," said Mrs.Scott.

"Thank you," I said.

"Victoria are you going to stay with Zari, Damon, and Mrs.Scott for now?" asked Zack.

" I guess so but only until the police figure out what to do with me," I said.

"Are you like an orphan now?" asked Kelly.

"Yea," I said.

"Kelly why did you asked such an insensitive question," said Sabrina.

"I'm sorry Victoria I didn't mean to," said Kelly.

"It's okay Kelly, yes I'm an orphan," I said.

"Here is the paperwork for Victoria Allen," said the doctors.

"We will fill out the paperwork," said Mr. and Mrs. Hawk aka Sabrina and Kelly's grandparents.

"I will help fill out the paperwork," I said.

15 mins later

I, Mr., and Mrs. Hawk were finished filling out the paperwork.

"You can leave now since you finished filling out the paperwork," said the doctors.

"Hey! doctors I never got your names," I said to the doctors.

"My name is Karen," said the female doctor.

"My name is John," said the male doctor.

"I don't understand, tori was just in an accident how is she still standing and breathing?" asked Sabrina.

"We don't know we just left her on the bed to rest and gave her some I.V and when we look she was perfectly fine," said the doctors.

"That's odd and weird," said Kelly.

"Well! Victoria is a lucky girl to still be breathing and standing on her feet," said Mr. and Mrs. Hawk.

"That's true because I've never seen a child in such good shape after being in an accident," said Dr.Karen.

"Thank you doctors for everything," said Mrs.Scott.

"Yeah! Thank you for everything I hope I'll get to see you doctors, again but under good circumstances" I said.

"Well we hope we will get to see you again too," said the doctors.

Well it's getting late now so we're going to go home.Victoria if you need anything I mean anything just give us a call and we will be there said Mrs.Sherine Hawk.

"Thanks" I said.

Girls say bye to your friends and let's go cause I want to go home and eat that last slice of pizza.I've been craving for it all day said Mr.Paul Hawk.

"Bye Sabrina and kelly," said zari and I.

"Bye guys," said Sabrina.

"Bye Mr. and Mrs. Hawk and thank you for coming," I said.

"Anytime dear," said Mr. and Mrs. Hawk.

"Bye everyone," said Kelly.

"Bye kelly," said Damon and Zack.

5 mins later

Sabrina, Kelly, Mr and Mrs hawk went home.

"I got to go, my mom is asking for me," said Zack.

"Bye Zack love you," said Zari after she gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Bye Zari love you too, bye Tori and bye Mrs.Scott," said Zack.

"Bye Zack," I said.

"Bye Zack drive safe," said Mrs.Scott.

"Bye Bro," said Zack to Damon.

"Bye Zack see you tomorrow night," said Damon.

After Zack left me, Zari, Damon, and Mrs.Scott were on our way out of the hospital. We were passing some patient's rooms and when I was looking in the patient's rooms through the transparent window I see like the doctors, not Dr.Karen and Dr.John some other doctors taking some of the patient's blood using a syringe. When I was looking at the patient's blood I felt this hunger like I wanted to taste their blood.

"Tori come," said Z.

We were finally out of the hospital and on our way home.