

The famous artist with the initials MC caused a stir in the mass media. The scandal that befell the artist with the initials MC is reportedly involved in a special relationship with a director from her agency and reportedly having an affair with another man. Confirming the news, a photo showing the artist embracing another man-made the public believe that there was an affair.

It looks serious, the termination of the work contract by the artist's agency makes the news, not just a hoax. The artist herself has not confirmed the veracity of this news. And the silence of the artist with the initials MC makes this news true.


"Bastard! Damn Kenzo!" shouted Marsha after kicking the door in front of her so hard.

Several people in the room were shocked. They seemed to have an important meeting, Marsha didn't know what it was and she didn't care either. All she wanted now was to meet Kenzo. Kenzo the director who made the damn news hit her career.

"Where's that bastard?!" Marsha screamed uncontrollably.

The people who were there also chose to remain silent while lowering their heads deeply. No one dared to raise a voice. Of course, it invited Marsha's emotions to the top.

"Why are you silent? I know you are all cooperating with him!" Marsha shouted again.

"Marsha, calm down." a tap on her shoulder didn't calm Marsha.

Hans who was her assistant tried to calm her down, but failed.

"I can't. I have to meet that bastard first!" Marsha said irresistibly.

When Marsha was about to go further into the room, suddenly the person she was looking for stood in front of her. The full smile on Kenzo's lips made Marsha sick of seeing him.

"You looking for me, honey?" he greeted with a disgusting smile in Marsha's eyes.

"What do you think you are doing?!"

Kenzo burst out laughing at Marsha's screams. "Telling the public about your lowly affair." the answer is relaxed.

Hearing Kenzo's answer made Marsha growl in anger. "You tricked me! Why are you also deceiving the public?!" she snapped again.

The unexpected shout made Kenzo quite surprised. He pulled Marsha out of the meeting room and led her to a quiet corner of the corridor.

"I have nothing to do with you. Why are you bringing up my name?!"

"We do have a relationship, Marsha!" Kenzo's rising voice took Marsha a little by surprise, but she quickly neutralized her expression.

"Yeah, but not anymore. You had an affair with Daisy and i dumped you. Why are you launching news like i'm the worst?" Marsha replied no less fiercely.

"I don't like you dumping me like this. That's why i made the news."

"Bastard!" Marsha cursed ignoring the stares of several people who happened to be passing by.

"I love you Marsha, but you discouraged me with your cursed statement." his words were full of emotion.

Marsha looked at Kenzo angrily. "You would never have an affair with her if you loved me!"

"I'm not having an affair with her. Daisy was drunk and i accidentally fell asleep in her apartment. Only fell asleep Marsha, nothing more." Kenzo said trying to explain.

"Do you think i can believe it?"

Kenzo looked at Marsha angrily. He didn't like her looking at him like this. The look of hatred and disgust that Marsha showed made Kenzo's heartache

"You made all this happen!"

Marsha laughed disdainfully. What did that bastard say? Did he just accuse Marsha of causing all this stuff? Seriously, Kenzo!

"Look, even you shamelessly made me the culprit," Marsha replied while looking at Kenzo with displeasure.

"I can fix your name if you want to come back with me." Kenzo's offer made Marsha shake her head in disbelief.

"You think i'm like your little bitch?" Cynical Marsha didn't like it.

"You are my bitch, Marsha, dammit!" Kenzo's out of control.

Even now he gripped Marsha's jaw tightly. Kenzo had already said that he didn't like the way Marsha was looking at him right now.

Marsha shook off the grip with difficulty. "Listen, I'm never coming back to you. No matter how hard you try to knock me down, i won't fall into the same pit." Marsha said firmly.

"Then accept your destruction. I'm sure you'll come and beg me." Kenzo said firmly.

"That will never happen!"

"Yeah, we'll see how much you can with stand the pressure from the public." Kenzo's words again made Marsha want to return to reply to Kenzo with a sentence that Marsha would say, but Hans pulled her first.

"We have to go. More reporters are gathering outside the building." He said as he pulled Marsha away from Kenzo.

From a distance, Marsha could see Kenzo smiling triumphantly. Seeing that smile made Marsha feel down. She didn't understand why Kenzo could make her like this. To be honest, Marsha was already in love with Kenzo. She also knew that his ex-boyfriend had a relationship with Daisy, but Marsha never mentioned this. Until last night, Marsha's patience ran out when Marsha saw Kenzo sleeping naked in Daisy's apartment. Likewise with the naked woman sleeping beside Kenzo.

Kenzo bastard!