Part 1

Marsha laid her head on the wooden table in the living room of her best friend's house. Maybe for some time in the future, she will flee to her friend's house. Marsha still couldn't believe what had happened to her. Kenzo was mean to him. It was more than an hour ago, Marsha kept her tears flowing. Cry for a jerk like Kenzo.

"Never mind Marsh, you've been crying for a long time. Look, your eyes are swollen," said Starla who again handed her a box of tissues. Marsha has even finished four boxes of tissue in an hour.

Marsha shook her head weakly. "Damn Kenzo. Why would he do this to me? I already love him, Starla, i love that bastard." Marsha whispered in a voice that sounded so heartbreaking. She even spoke with quivering lips.

Hana, who had been accompanying Marsha with Starla, looked at their best friend sadly. Marsha is not the type of woman who is weak and cries easily. She would not be swayed by anything, Marsha was too brave and strong. But when it came to someone she loved, all of Marsha's strength felt like it was being sucked out. She became a weak woman. Looks like right now where she is still crying over Kenzo.

"He's not the only man in the world. You'll find a better man than him, Marsh" Hana said trying to comfort Marsha.

"I just love him," said Marsha who was still crying.

Starla and Hana exchanged glances. All the words of comfort they had used to persuade Marsha to stop crying didn't work at all. They were at a loss for words to persuade Marsha who was still crying.

"You can't go on like this!" Starla's scream made Marsha and Hana jump in surprise.

Hana glared at Starla to warn her not to go any further. Hana knows Starla very well. The nature of her best friend is not far from Marsha who can be said to be a brave madman.

"Starla calm down. Don't make things difficult for her." Hannah's warned.

"Not anymore Han. Marsha has suffered because of that jerk. I won't make her laugh happily there seeing Marsha's condition!" Starla said determinedly.

Marsha looked at Starla flatly while wiping the rest of her tears roughly.

"What are you planning?" Hannah asked anxiously.

Starla smiled mysteriously. "Tonight the A'lisy Club has a special guest." She said while showing the news through her cellphone.

Hana shook her head quickly. "You're crazy Starla. It won't help. Journalists are looking for Marsha, they could find Marsha there." Hannah said.

"The special guest i'm referring to doesn't like journalists. I can guarantee that Marsha will be safe."

"Who is he?"

Starla shrugged her shoulders. "Don't know. If you're curious we can meet him in person." She said with a crooked smile.

"Too risky, Starla."

"We will go." Marsha's voice just sounded that startled by her two friends. Even Hana opened her mouth wide in disbelief.

"That doesn't help, Marsha."

"Maybe it will help."


"We're there tonight!" Strictly undeniable.

Hana took a deep breath, then cast her sharp gaze on Starla who was showing a big smile.

"Because of you!"


The sound of typing the keyboard was heard filling every corner of the room, which was only inhabited by a man. The man was busy typing something on his laptop until a voice interrupted his activities. There was a loud noise coming from outside the room. He got up from his chair and walked out of the room.

"What is this?" asked the man coldly.

Outside the room, he could see two of his old friends arguing with his secretary.

"Sorry sir, they forced their way into your room and caused a commotion." the secretary said while bowing respectfully.

"Leave them alone, they're my friends." he said, then went back into his room.

The two of them raised their heads arrogantly at the female secretary who was also acting arrogantly. Indicates if they have access to the room without making an appointment.

"This is the place you used to hide." chirps Anderson as he lands his ass on the plush sofa.

"And you always make excuses to turn down our invitations to get together," Christo added.

"I am busy."

"Not tonight Alland." Sambar Anderson quickly made Alland stare at him blankly, waiting for an answer.

"We're going to the A'Lisy Club and you can't refuse." Anderson continued.

Alland glared at him who seemed displeased with what Anderson had just said. That's how the two best friends, always doing as they please without telling him first.

"I can't."

"I told you, you can't refuse," Anderson said.

Christo nodded his head firmly. "You won't regret it, Al. Tonight is going to be great." He said trying to get Alland to agree to come with them.

"What's going on?"

Anderson smirked. "Tell this busy man, Chris."

"Zevanya is coming tonight," Christo informed.

Alland frowned in confusion. "Zevanya?" repeat Alland.

"You forgot? The woman you made love with last week at the party," said Christo again. He didn't understand his old friend. How could he forget the woman he slept with.

"I don't know her name," Alland replied casually.

It was Alland's habit. He always played with women without bothering to ask or even remember her name. Because even though he knew about their names, the next day he would forget the woman's name.

Christo and Anderson shook their heads as they were no longer surprised by this particular habit of Alland. How can they have a friend like Alland? Yes, Alland's good looks can't be denied. But that's no reason to play with all the women in this world to your heart's content.

"She already likes you. She always asks me how you are, Alland." Anderson told him.

"You know her?"

"No. Zevanya is just a friend of a co-worker of mine, but i heard she's the daughter of Zanska Corp," Anderson replied.

Alland nodded curtly.

"We'll be waiting for you downstairs. Don't expect you to run away this time." Christo warned.

Alland snorted harshly. "I can go alone," he answered because he didn't like the treatment of his friend.

"And let you escape?"

"You can take my car collection if I want to run away." Alland's words made Christo smile happily.

"I hope you choose to run away, Al," he said chuckling.

"Not this time." his words made Christo snort in annoyance.

"Ah, you're no fun. Well, I have to go now. I have something to do first." he said goodbye.

"Don't forget to buy your safety item." teased Alland with an amused smile. Christo cast a sharp glare.

"Damn it!" the curse was so hard.

Of the three of them, Christo was the most careless. He always brought the women he met at the club to sleep with them, but sometimes Christo forgot to take care of himself to bring his safety stuff. And that's when he asked Anderson and Alland to take it, but neither of them ever came to help him. That's why sometimes Christo doesn't go that far with the women he meets. He wouldn't be so careless.

"You too. I can see you're going back to bring Zevanya to the room." tease Anderson too. Alland smiled sarcastically.

"I'm not as reckless as he is," he said teasing Christo again because Alland never forgot that important thing.

Christo clenched his fists in annoyance. "I swear you'll regret making fun of me. Sleep with your bitch without any protection!" he snapped and left Alland's room.

Anderson and Alland laughed with satisfaction at Christo's anger, it was always like that.

"It's impossible." Said Alland who had stopped his laughter.

"I hope you can feel Chris' distress, Al. Resisting your urge to sleep together with your women and forgetting your safety item." Anderson said.

Alland smiled sarcastically again. "No way. Too careless like Christo, not me," he said, tossing a small box at Anderson.

"You always carry it?!" Anderson screamed in disbelief.

"I told you it wasn't possible, didn't i?" he said proudly.

Anderson burst out laughing. "You are perfect Alland."

"Yes, it's me."
