Part 9

The smell of food just wafted out when Marsha just set foot in a cafe near the Stanford Group. She had sent Starla and Hana her location a few hours ago. She was also sure the two of them were waiting for her in there. Sure enough, because Marsha could see her two friends sitting at a table in the corner of the room.

"You're taking too long," Starla grumbled as Marsha had just landed her ass on the empty chair.

"I'm a little busy today."

"You said you got a job? Where do you work?"

"At the Stanford Group." the answer is lazy.

Starla opened her eyes wide, in disbelief. What did she say?!

"Stanford Group?! You're not kidding?!" her scream made Hana jump in surprise, so did Marsha.

"Keep your voice down, Starla. They're bothered by you!" Marsha reminded.

"The truth is that you work in that giant company, Marsha! I once applied there and was rejected!" Starla said still maintaining her voice.

She didn't heed Marsha's scolding, so Marsha chose to remain silent.

"You work there?" now it was Hana's turn to ask, want to make sure it's true.

Marsha nodded her head in response, without bothering to make a sound.

"Crazy. I didn't expect it, you're so lucky Marsha." Hana said that sounded like a shriek, but not as loud as Starla.

Marsha shook her head at the behavior of her two friends. What's so special about working for a company headed by that bastard CEO?

Only Marsha felt nothing special because anyone wanted to work for the company. A company with luxurious and complete facilities for its employees and with fantastic salaries as well, but that doesn't apply to Marsha. She feels very burdened working there. If only Starla and Hana knew the truth, Marsha was sure her two friends would not let her stay there for long, but Marsha chose to remain silent. She didn't want them to know because the risk is so great.

"They just don't know," she muttered.

"Hey, do you know the owner of the Stanford Group?! I heard he has retired and passed the company over to his son." Starla said suddenly.

"Landon Stanford?"

"Yes, that's his father's name, but i forgot what his handsome son's name was."

Marsha rolled her eyes lazily. Indeed she could not deny that the man was handsome, even very handsome. But her anger towards Alland made Marsha not look at his good looks, but rather the ugliness of his always annoying nature.

"You mean Alland Stanford?"

"Yes, he is! Have you met him, Marsh? How does he look? I'm sure he's more handsome when seen in person." Starla said excitedly.

Hana snorted at that. "Starla and all the fuss," she said sarcastically making Starla look at her angrily.

"What do you mean?!"

"You never change. Not a single handsome man you miss. I think you've forgotten how much you've dated handsome men." Hannah's sarcasm. Starla likes to play with these guys because that's her hobby.

Not much different from Marsha, but Marsha always plays it safe considering that she is an artist who never escapes the news if she makes the slightest mistake.

Starla pursed her lips in annoyance. "You don't need to remind me, but i can't even approach this one. He's just like me. He likes playing women, but he's very selective in his choices and most importantly, on an equal footing with him." Starla said remembering that fact.

She knew about it from her high school friend who had been one of Alland's women.

"Selective you say?" Marsha asked while chuckling amused.

What's so selective, the guy even did a one-night stand with her without knowing her background, and what the hell is that equal? If he knew where she was from, maybe he wouldn't want to sleep with her.

"Why do you ask that? What do you know about him? I'm sure, he won't even glance at you!" Starla sneered made Marsha laugh in her heart.

"He even slept with me stupid!" Marsha thought.

"Yayaya, only you know," Marsha answered lazily.

"Whatever, i didn't like our first meeting. It's about the guy Starla always dreamed of. I'm so sick of them!" Hannah said raising her voice.

Starla snorted at that. "You bastard. If you feel that fun, you'll like me too."

"I won't. I have a boyfriend in case you forgot." Hana answered quickly.

"Up to you," Starla replied, then took a sip of a glass that was on the table.

"Oh yeah, where do you live Marsh?" asked Hana who forgot this question.

Even though she had wanted to ask it, because Starla was too excited she kept it.

"Ah yes, i haven't said it yet. I bought a new apartment." the answer.

"Why did you buy it? I can share the place with you or you can live with Hana," said Starla she didn't like it.

"I don't like to bother you guys. Besides, i'm more comfortable this way."

They both nodded in resignation. Don't want to push anymore because Marsha always sticks to her point.

"Then instead, tonight we stay at my house."

"Your parents aren't home yet?"

Hana shook her head. "They're always busy. So, who agrees? I'll be shopping after this."

Marsha and Starla nodded quickly and agreed with Hana's idea. They hadn't been together in a long time, so tonight was going to be a long night for the three of them. Where they will share stories about their lives for the last 5 months and tell about their busy lives in the future. It's going to be a long night.


It was getting late at night, but that didn't stop Alland from getting up from the balcony of his room. Since coming home from work, Alland immediately cleaned himself with warm water. Then choose to sit on the balcony of his room which is located on the 2nd floor of his mansion. Alland stared blankly at the flower gardens below. We don't know what he was thinking, Alland was always like this. When finished with his busy life he prefers to be alone and no one knows about this habit. Until a phone ringing interrupted his thoughts.

"Christo? Why did he call me?" Alland muttered as he read the caller's name.

"Hello, dude! Why don't you come with us tonight? You know Anderson's got the beautiful woman we met at the supermarket!" Christo's voice was immediately heard as soon as Alland connected the phone.

"Aren't you guys going to the club? Why change to the supermarket?" he asked surprised.

"Yes it is, but Anderson forgot the safety. He prefers to shop there and you know the woman we met was magical!" Christo explained while chuckling amused on the other end of the phone.

"Is that woman crazy?"

"Exactly! That woman is crazy. Oh no, don't forget the equally magical bear." Alland could not deny that he was also infected with Christo's laughter. The man's laughter is always contagious to anyone who hears it.

"Can bears shop too?"

"This bear is different, Al. She's so pretty. Ah, i think i'll date her. I can't even get her face out of my mind!"

"Then, why don't you just tell her right away?" he raised one eyebrow as if he was talking directly to Christo, even though Christo couldn't see the look on his face.

"I told you, that woman is magical! They are both so magical. There are three of them, but the other one looks saner. Besides, i'm not going to let her go just like that. I'll look for her until i find her!" he said with determination.

Alland just smiled faintly, very thinly. "Yes, look for it. I think that woman can get rid of your lecherous behavior." the sarcasm.

"Hey, you are the same. Then i close first, she started teasing me down there." Christo said with his hoarse voice at the end. Christo also decided the call unilaterally.

Meanwhile, Alland shuddered at the thought of what his best friend was doing. Why did he call him when she was with his bitch. What a lecherous friend!

Alland got up from his seat to enter his room, but suddenly he remembered Marsha. Ah, that woman frustrates Alland. All the women who knew Alland would give themselves up to be with Alland even for a minute, but Marsha refused. This was the first time for Alland to be rejected by a woman. Especially after feeling the pleasure and warmth in bed. Damn, what crazy woman could resist the warmth of hers and even leave him. The answer is only one, namely Marsha. Only Marsha.

"Don't expect you to get away from me, little bear."
