Part 10

A black car pulled up smoothly in the lobby of the Stanford Group. The car containing a pair of humans seemed so reluctant to appear because no one was getting out of there.

"Are you still holding on?" sarcasm Hans who saw Marsha still sitting in the passenger seat.

"I don't want to work here."

"Then where do you want to work? Do you think it's easy to get this job? They could use a fresher artist than you, but they prefer you. Don't you want to appreciate my hard work?" said Hans irritably.

His breath even seemed to be out of breath, Marsha turned to Hans timidly. It was the first time she had seen Hans this angry this morning.

"It's not like that, Hans. It's just that I...I..."

Hans ruffled his hair in frustration. "What are you doing? Canceling that contract and paying a fantastic price fine? Even if you're not comfortable, at least keep working. Don't waste the opportunity you've been waiting for since the news of your scandal. You know Marsh, they won't care. What do you expect? Asking for their mercy after all this?" now Hans's voice was softer. Staring at Marsha with a pleading look that the woman would not waste her chance.

Marsha growled holding back her emotions. Hearing Hans' entirely true words made her have the spirit to get back up, rise from adversity and get back to her golden period. Remembering those whom Hans mentioned made Marsha unhappy. She will not make them laugh at her depravity.

"No. You're right Hans, I have to keep working. I'll show them that I can live happily without them!" Marsha said determinedly. Even her eyes filled with tears as he accidentally recalled those bitter memories.

Hans smiled reassuringly. "I'm sure you can. Do a good job and make them regret dumping you."

"That hurts Hans, but you're right. Well, no more time to slack off. Here we go!" she said, then got out of Hans's car with confident steps. Made Hans smile again in his car seeing Marsha excited again.


"Excuse me, sir. I just wanted to let you know that the shoot is about to start." Tiffany said while bowing politely after she finished her sentence.

Not without reason, Tiffany said it because Alland asked her to tell him about the photoshoot that will be done by Marsha this morning.

"Okay, let's see," he said then left his place.

The shooting location will be held one floor below Alland's floor, where his office is located. So that Alland doesn't have to go too far. Alland continued to walk, followed by Tiffany behind him. He smiled crookedly seeing the busyness of the people on the floor. This was the first time for Alland to see a photoshoot in his office.

It seems that Marsha's unintentional presence in his life makes him do things he does for the first time too often. Right now, he could see Marsha was wearing a sleeveless navy blue dress. The height of the dress was well above the knee, half a thigh to be exact. Sprinkled with some kind of sparkle what it was called, the dress looked so beautiful and sparkling. Alland chuckled not liking to see it.

"Isn't there anything shorter?" the real question is the protest against Tiffany.

"Excuse me sir, but that dress was specially designed by Mrs. Dalton. Your sister." Tiffany replied.

Alisya Dalton is the older sister of Alland Ray Stanford. The woman is married to a handsome man named Jack Dalton with the capital of a five-star hotel that Alland himself doesn't know where it is because Alisya deliberately hides it from him considering Alland has not introduced his girlfriend to her.

Ah yes, don't forget the fact that his sister is a famous designer who always launches clothes at fantastic prices. Of course, it remains under the auspices of the Stanford Group even if the woman is married. Alland himself didn't mind because he also wanted this. At least, he could know the news of her sister who was fine through this cooperation, even if indirectly.

Alland snorted in annoyance. "I don't know what she was thinking to make a dress so horrible," he said, he didn't like it.

"I think the dress is very beautiful, sir. It fits the body of the artist." Tiffany said with a beautiful smile. She liked the dress, very much.

If only Tiffany had the money she would have ordered it right away, but remembering that the dress was made by Alisya, she immediately discouraged it. The price of the dress could reach the price of her apartment for a year.

"Even she looks fat in that dress!"

"Did you just make fun of me?" cynical Marsha who for some time had been beside Alland.

Hearing Marsha's voice, Alland immediately turned around quickly. "Since when have you been here?"

"Ever since you called me fat!"

Allan smiled crookedly. "Well, you're so fat with this dress," he said casually.

"Are you blind? Even a blind person can immediately feel that I am very suitable for this dress. This dress makes my aura of beauty even more visible." Marsha said annoyed, not liking the way Alland said it.

Alland chuckled lightly at Marsha's annoyance. "You are so stupid. Blind people can't see the beauty that you say."

"I didn't say they could see me. I said they could feel it, you're the one who wasn't listening carefully, sir." Marsha's words confirmed her words.

"How can they feel it without seeing? Are you going to let the blind man touch you? Touch your body?"

Marsha rolled her eyes perfectly, then looked furiously at Alland without knowing her position. "What kind of woman do you think I am?!" she said in a rising tone, making several people around him turn to look at them.

Alland looked around briefly, then pulled Marsha's shoulders closer.

He whispered something there. "A woman who would give her honor to a foreign man?" he whispered in a sensuous tone that made Marsha nape hair on her neck, even stand up hearing it.

"What did you say? Don't tell me you still think we did?" she said sarcastically.

Alland growled at that. "We did!" he said still whispering.

"If...if that's the case, when and where?" she asked defiantly as if she had completely forgotten about it.

Maybe in Alland's eyes, Marsha looks so calm and relaxed. But know that now she is nervous, very nervous.

"Should I answer a question you should already know?"

"Just answer!"

"Okay if you insist. That night at A'Lisy Club, exactly 5 months ago and you with a lustful expression called my name to make me play faster. Ah, don't forget when you almost--"

"STOP IT ALLAND!" Marsha shouted unconsciously. Her face was red to the point of her ears. Really, why is this crazy man able to say such an ambiguous thing so casually.

Alland laughed crisply at the change in color and expression on Marsha's face. Moreover, the questioning gaze of the employees. He was really happy to see Marsha look embarrassed like this. Alland became even more sure that Marsha hadn't forgotten him, only that she was too embarrassed to admit it.

"So, are you still going to pretend you don't remember?"

Marsha looked at him angrily. "Could you not say that disgusting thing so casually? You even said it carelessly!" she said protesting.

"You always say it's disgusting. Do I still need to remind you when you--"

Alland's words stopped when Marsha's palm landed smoothly on his lips. Receiving this treatment, Alland suddenly became silent.

"Okay, I lost. I still remember it, even very vividly remember how it happened that night. How I call your name as you said. Are you satisfied?" she said in a resigned tone.

Alland then took Marsha's hand away from his lips.

"Not yet."

"What do you want anymore?!"

"We haven't confirmed your condition yet," he answered with a straight look.

Marsha was even confused, not understanding what Alland was saying.

"I didn't wear safety that night." the addition made Marsha stagger backward.

Fortunately, Alland quickly restrained his body, otherwise, he could fall.

"Are you kidding me?!"

"I'm serious Marsha."

"Shit, but I'm not pregnant for your information!"

"We have to make sure! I don't want my career to be ruined if suddenly there's my seed in there," he said emphatically.

"That's impossible! Do you think you're the only one who's going to be ruined? My career is even worse." Marsha protest.

"Then, don't dodge anymore. We need to check it out."

"No, I don't want to," Marsha replied quickly.

Marsha doesn't like this discussion. It never occurred to her that she would carry a baby inside her especially the seed of the man in front of her right now, not once. After all, it's been 5 months already? She's also never been late for a month.

"You can't refuse."

"I have the right to it."

"And I have a right to be responsible."

"I don't--"

"Sorry to interrupt your time sir, but Mrs.Charlotte has to do a photo shoot. We've been ready all along." said a woman who cut off the protest that Marsha was about to throw.

Marsha immediately distanced herself from Alland and left him.

Alland pinched the bridge of his nose gently. "I don't think that's possible," he muttered.
