Part 11

"Where are you going?" suddenly someone's heavy voice was heard and stopped Marsha's steps who were about to leave the luxurious building.

Without bothering to answer let alone turn around, Marsha prefers to go back. She could guess who the voice belonged to, but again Marsha stopped walking, and this time because the person grabbed her arm.

"If you think I'm going to let you check it out, don't expect me to!" Marsha said half shrieking.

Alland immediately shook his head quickly at Marsha's words. That wasn't the purpose of stopping her from coming home tonight. After finishing the photoshoot, Marsha did have some interest in his office regarding the work contract, so she came home a little late today.

Seeing Marsha late after work, made Alland feel he had the opportunity to approach the stubborn woman. Alland couldn't immediately force Marsha to do the examination again because it was certain that the woman would refuse it. That was why he was here now, preventing Marsha from coming home. Alland had other plans to persuade Marsha.

"No. That's not what I wanted to say," he said in a relaxed tone.

Marsha furrowed her brow in confusion at Alland's unpredictable behavior. "So, what?" she asked.

"I just wanted to have dinner with you. Ah, don't look at me like that. It's just an apology from me." Alland explained as Marsha gave him an intimidating look because she was too difficult to beat.

"Is that true?" she asked reassuringly.

Alland snorted disapprovingly, even though his intentions were good even though there were hidden intentions behind his kindness. Meanwhile, Marsha was somehow amused by the change in Alland's facial expression. Seeing the man showing an annoyed expression made Marsha couldn't help laugh, but luckily she was able to hold it in.

"There's no need to show that ugly expression of yours. You've become ugly!" said Marsha who was still chuckling in her place.

"Did you just mock me, little bear?" sarcastically Alland.

"Hey, what the hell with that call. Don't call me that!" Marsha protest.

"So, what? I have the right to speak with my mouth." Alland replied defiantly.

"I also have the right to that defamatory call." Marsha protested again.

"Whatever, but the little bear does suit you. You're a wild and..."

"And what?"


"Ah, no. Forget it."

"And what Alland!" Marsha urged who was already curious.

Alland couldn't even believe that Marsha wasn't angry, but instead asked curiously.

"And it sucks!"

Marsha pursed her lips in annoyance.

"That's up to you! You're just as annoying!" Marsha said that she was about to leave Alland, but Alland quickly stopped her.

"I told you, we were going to have dinner together." Alland firmly reminded.

"You're right. I almost forgot." the answer is too simple.

"You're so forgetful."

"It's because you're the annoying one!"

Alland rolled his eyes lazily. "Well, it's up to you. I'm tired of arguing with you," he said who then grabbed Marsha's arm to follow her to the lobby, where his car was already prepared by his subordinates.

"Where are we going?" Marsha stopped her steps so that Alland's steps were forced to stop.

"Dinner of course!" he snapped uncontrollably. He was too tired to argue with Marsha.

"I know, but we can't get out of there." Marsha pointed to the lobby up ahead, she was sure Hans was waiting for her there.

"Why not?"

"My manager is waiting there. I don't want him to think about things he doesn't need to think about. Things will get very complicated if he sees us out together." obviously it was Marsha who made Alland nod his head in approval.

That's true.

"Okay. Then why don't you just tell him you're not coming home with him tonight?"

"He'll get even more suspicious. I said I was going home with him before." Marsha's words made Alland heave a sigh of relief.

Then what should Alland do?!

"Oh, I have an idea!" Marsha shouted suddenly.

She also called an employee who had just passed her wearing a shawl. Marsha also asked the employee to lend her a scarf. Of course, the employee happily gave her scarf to Marsha without having to return it.

"What do you want?" Alland asked confused when Marsha wore the scarf to cover her head and half of her face.

After that, Alland's body stiffened when Marsha hugged his arm tightly. The touch was too sudden he was very shocked.

"Act. He won't think it's me," she said, then dragged Alland out of the luxurious building. Without Marsha realizing it, Alland was struggling to hold back the pounding heart that hit his chest.

"As your wish, baby," he whispered hoarsely.


It's been more than 20 minutes of waiting, finally, the food that Alland and Marsha ordered has arrived. The plates containing the food look so tempting to enjoy. Even Marsha didn't care about Alland's presence by staring at the food with sparkling eyes. Alland chuckled amused at the gleam of happiness in Marsha's eyes.

"You look like you've never eaten anything." his teasing made Marsha lick her lips cutely. She forgot that he was with Alland.

"It's because of you. I came home so late and almost forgot my dinner!" she said protesting.

"Why are you blaming me?"

"Of course. Your people are as willing as you are." she is upset.

"Did they tire you out too much?" he asked while raising an eyebrow which got a nod from Marsha in return.

"Then I will warn them." Alland's words made Marsha look at him with a frown on her forehead.

"What do you mean? I'm used to this job, even more so before. So, you don't have to overdo it." she told the story, afraid that Alland would e said. Marsha doesn't like it when people suffer because of her.

"No. I have to warn them anyway," he said rejecting Marsha's words.

Marsha rolled her eyes lazily. "I told you not to overdo it. I was tired today and you're making me tired even more. And now I'm even more tired because you keep talking. Can't we eat first? My stomach is too hungry to hear you." she said making Alland smile.

Marsha was too innocent and outspoken. Alland nodded his head slowly.

"Okay. You can eat now."

"Me? Aren't you going to eat?"

"Of course, I'll eat too."

"Then let's eat. Don't keep talking, you don't know my stomach might eat you if you keep talking to me." Marsha pouted in a tone that was adorable in Alland's ears. He couldn't help laughing in his place.

"Nothing funny, sir." she snorted in annoyance because she felt Alland was laughing at her.

"Yes indeed," he said that had stopped his laughter.

"Then why are you laughing at me!"

"Hey, why are you yelling at me? It's not good to fight in front of food." Alland warned.

"You're so annoying. Never mind don't talk to me anymore. My stomach is going to eat you, sir." she said who then started cutting the steak.

"Can you just call me Alland? We're not in my office." Alland protested. He didn't like being called that by Marsha.

Marsha shook her head slightly. "Can't," she said, she refused.

"Just call me Alland, Marsha!"

Again, Marsha shook her head. "I don't want to. You know, if I call you by your name it will remind you of that night again. And you may want my beautiful body. Isn't that right, sir?" she said on purpose.

She didn't want herself to be the only one embarrassed because Alland was always teasing her and yeah Marsha did it, the man's face was red.


Marsha still heard his hiss.

Marsha smiled at the loud hiss. "But if you insist, I can call your name, and don't be sorry if I make you react like that night, Alland," Marsha said by pressing Alland's name in a different tone, making Alland hiss again.

Marsha is right. Alland was even helpless when he called out his name in such a tone. It wasn't Marsha's annoyed scream when Marsha was annoyed with him, but this time Marsha called his name in the same spoiled tone as that night that made Alland's growl stifled.

"Don't talk anymore. Just eat your food, I don't want your stomach to eat me," he says who then started eating the food.

Marsha laughed amused at Alland's helplessness. "Alright, Alland."

"Damn, her."
