Part 13


The noise that came from the sound of Marsha's apartment bell woke her from who was sleeping. She lazily walked to the door of her apartment and opened it without peeking at who had stopped by.

"Geez Marsha! Where do you think you're going in your pajamas. You're late!" someone shouting there made Marsha yawn lazily. She was very familiar with noise all her life.

Wait a moment!

Marsha recognized this voice!

Marsha immediately opened her eyes wide, remembering who the owner of that voice was for a long time was very difficult to contact.

"HANS!" shouted Marsha unconcerned by the man's sharp gaze.

"I'm not deaf, Marsha."

"Hans! Where have you been?! You know I've had a really hard week without you. Are you planning to leave me here? Have you forgotten me? Where are you, Hans!" Marsha shouted again without letting Hans interrupt her words.

"Hey calm down, I'm here for you. There's no way I'd leave you, Marsh, let alone forget you." Hans replied while stroking Marsha's shoulders to calm her down.

Marsha with teary eyes immediately hugged Hans with her arms. A warm hug that always calmed her down when Marsha was in trouble or whatever it was that made her always think about unnecessary things.

"I almost went crazy, Hans. That damn Alland always haunts me wherever I go. He...he..." Marsa said that even Marsha herself could no longer continue her words.

"Shhh... you don't need to go on. Now, you have to get ready. Your plane can't wait." said Hans who had let go of his arm.

Marsha looked at Hans with her brows knit together. "What do you mean? I'm not going anywhere, Hans. Don't do what you want. I'm not going anywhere!" she said in a rising voice.

Don't like the Hans quote that says it's as if Marsha will come back to leave all this behind. Oh no, Marsha is feeling de javu right now.

"You should go, little bear."


Alland chuckled amused at Marsha's surprised expression when he suddenly appeared behind Hans. "Yes, I am, Alland. Don't waste any more time, we have to get going," he said casually, while Marsha still didn't understand what was going on.

"Us? Where do you think you're taking me?!"

"Well, if you don't hurry up, then I'll do something you might not like."

"Hans, what's going on here?" she asked Hans for an explanation.

"No time to explain, Marsha. Hurry up!" urged Alland who glanced at his watch because they had to leave soon.

"I don't want to. Besides, I'm going to work tomorrow." she refused while crossing her arms across her chest.

"You do have to work little bear, but not here," said Alland.

"What do you mean?"

Hans sighed in exasperation. Why is Marsha so slow to digest something like this.

"Business trip, Marsha. You're going on a business trip." Hans replied representing.

"When and where? Why wasn't I told? There must be something wrong, Hans. This devil is trying to frame me!"

"Nothing's wrong, I've seen it. Now get ready."

"No! I'm not leaving!"

Seeing Marsha who kept refusing to leave, Alland immediately approached Marsha and carried her bridal style.

"Hey, jerk! Put me down!" Marsha rebelled while hitting Alland's chest and trying to escape.

"You like changing other people's names. My name is Alland, not that jerk or devil you mention!" Alland protest.

"Fuck you. You are the devil and the bastard, Alland!"

Alland chuckled amused to hear that. "Usually I'm always called the perfect Alland," he said proudly.

"Let go of me! Hans, please tell him I'm not leaving. Hey Hans you're here?!" Marsha shouted seeing Hans who had walked ahead of her.

"You're so loud."


"Have a nice trip, my girl," said Hans who then had disappeared somewhere.


It's been more than 8 hours of traveling from New York to Paris, finally, the two tom and jerry couples set their feet at Paris-Charles de Gaulle Airport, Paris.

Without needing to ask for Marsha's approval, Alland immediately took the woman to a five-star luxury hotel. Seeing Marsha's dislike, Alland was even more pleased to see her. The woman was too magical for him, especially now that Marsha was angry with him because Alland had deliberately booked a hotel room. Not accidentally, but he did it on purpose.

There were two rooms in the hotel room, but Alland deliberately didn't tell Marsha about it because he liked to tease the woman.

"Have you lost your mind Alland?! What is your perverted brain thinking? From the luxury and height of this building, I can even feel that there are many empty rooms left! But why did you only book one room?!" Marsha's wrath with her face already reddened, her anger was unstoppable.

"Well, why? We've slept together before. Not even just sleep, Marsha." he said, he purposely teased Marsha and made Marsha growl in anger to hear it.

"Stop your damn crazy talk! I don't want to know, you have to book another hotel room or I'll ---"

"What are you going to do?" challenge Alland who has cornered Marsha at the exit of their hotel room.

Yes, they were indeed in the spacious hotel room. But because of the anger that had overtaken her first, Marsha didn't realize that the room had two bedrooms in it.

"I'm going back to New York!" her threat made Alland chuckle.

"Go, I won't stop you," he said in a dismissive tone.

Marsha opened her eyes wide in disbelief. Was Alland that mean to her? Really?!

"This devil!" she cursed, then pushed Alland's chest away and tried desperately to open the door behind him.

"Why are you still here? Go back to New York."

Marsha snorted in annoyance. That damn man was deliberately pranking her!

"Open this damn door!" she snapped, still trying to open the door.

"Just open it yourself. Don't you want to go back to New York of your own accord? Then you can go and open it yourself. I want to rest." he said then walked away.

Marsha turned the doorknob roughly. Not only turning, she even hit, kicked, broke, and also scratched the door in annoyance. Her eyes were already filled with tears because the door was probably locked by Alland on purpose. It was as if her pride was being toyed with by the jerk, Marsha couldn't beg for the door to be opened or to ask the man to book another room.

Marsha could have done it, but it scratched her ego. But there was no other way to ask Alland. Marsha walked over to Alland, who had been sitting on the sofa in the living room while playing with his iPad.

"You don't have to worry about it, little bear. This place has two bedrooms, and yours is over there." pointed at Alland when he found out that Marsha was approaching him.

Marsha herself glared in disbelief. What did he say?! So, Marsha is being tricked by that jerk?! With annoyance that had reached the top of her head, Marsha immediately threw her high heels and hit Alland right on the head. Feel it!

"You're such an outrageous bastard!" Marsha shouted with tears that had fallen freely on both sides of her cheeks making Alland stunned. He didn't expect Marsha to cry just because he was tricked by her.

"Marsha I don't..."

Even Alland himself was unable to continue what he was saying. For some reason seeing Marsha's falling tears made Alland's chest hurt. It was as if he had been hit by a large rock that would kill him.

"Marsha I--"

"You die!" she shouted again then stepped away into her room and slammed the door very hard.


Alland touched his chest which was pounding from the shock. But other than that, he was more surprised to find Marsha crying.

"God, I've gone too far."
