Part 14

"Are you still mad at me?" Alland asked as Marsha walked past him.

From the start, Alland had been preparing to hold an important meeting regarding the cooperation he would establish with De Rich Hotel. And just as Alland had just come out of his room, Marsha also came out of her room with an unfriendly face. Especially when the woman was staring at him with a very terrible look.

"Where are you going?"

"None of your business!"

"It's none of my business since you're here with me. Remember we're on a business trip, which means we shouldn't have to meddle in personal matters in it." Alland said curtly, didn't like it when Marsha just ignored him.

Marsha stopped in her tracks, then turned to look at Alland angrily. "No need to meddle in private you say? Let me explain how you ripped me off last night. How could you unprofessionally treat me like your toy!"

Alland took a deep breath. Alland realized that last night he had gone too far.

"Yesterday, I was just joking."

"And you think your jokes are fun? You've made me the victim of an asshole!" Marsha snapped.

"Could you not have to call me that? That bothers me quite a bit." warning Alland didn't like it.

"It does suit you."

Alright, I'm giving up!

"Fine. It's up to you what you want to call me, but can you not be angry with me anymore? It really tortures me, Marsha." he whispered at the end of his sentence. Marsha furrowed her brows in confusion.

What part tortured the man?

There is Marsha who is always in torment!

"Are you joking, sir? I'm the victim here!"

Once again, Alland tried to be patient. Dealing with Marsha does require extra patience in it.

"We don't have much time at the moment, Marsh. Now we have to go down and meet someone down there," he said.

"Just you, I'll stay here," Marsha replied quickly while turning her face in annoyance.

Alland thought she was that easy? Oh, of course not.

"C'mon Marsh, he doesn't like waiting. We'll lose the man and his company stock," he said a little pleading.

An Alland begged?!

"I don't care. Besides, I'm not really needed there."

"I care! If you're not needed why did I bring you here?" Alland said irritably.

Marsha shook her head adamantly rejecting Alland's invitation.

"I still don't want to."

This woman!

"Like it or not, you have to come!"

"Who are you to force me like that?!"

"I'm your boss, Marsha!"

"Yes you're, but i have the right to refuse if i don't want to," she said again refusing to make Alland gently massage the bridge of his nose. His head was already throbbing with pain.

"Okay, let's put it this way. You have to come with me downstairs, after the meeting is over i will take you for a walk around this city. How about it?" Alland offered which of course made Marsha's eyes sparkle with joy.

She had not visited this country in a very long time, it felt like she every corner of the city, she visited at this time.

Oh God, forgive Marsha because she couldn't refuse this one.

"Is this your form of apology?" she asked, smiling amusedly.

Alland is so hard just to say sorry, his ego is too high.

"Up to you. How?" he asked again because he also got no reply.

"Umm, but i decide the destination!"

Alland cracked a smile. Seeing the twinkle in Marsha's eyes and joy again made her so relieved and happy at the same time. It seemed Marsha's happiness was contagious to him.

"As your wish, baby."


"Mr. Rich is waiting for you, sir." said a maid who immediately approached Alland and Marsha when their elevator door opened.

Without bothering to make a sound, Alland grabbed Marsha's hips and then led her along with him.

"Hey, let go of that hand!" Marsha's protest made Alland immediately let go.

He doesn't want to argue anymore, especially if his client sees their disagreement. That could be a problem later.

"Good morning, Mr. Rich. Sorry to keep you waiting," said Alland while bowing his head respectfully, as well as the middle-aged man who immediately stood up from his seat and followed Alland bowed respectfully.

"No problem. I just came in early to check something out at my hotel," he said to tell.

Alland nodded his head slowly. "Ah, this is Marsha Charlotte. My model and secretary are here to help us later." Alland said introducing Marsha.

Marsha, who was ed to find the middle-aged man, was now even more surprised. Why didn't Alland say they were going to meet someone from Rich!

Mr.Rich looked at Marsha as well as surprised. He also did not expect to meet Marsha here. But luckily Mr.Rich was able to hide his surprise quickly soo that no one noticed.

"Oliver Rich. You can call me anything," he said introducing himself while holding out his hand.

Marsha just stared at the hand flat, not wanting to touch it at all. This didn't go unnoticed by Alland. Alland nudged Marsha's arm to warn her.

"I don't shake hands with just anyone."

Alland laughed forced to lighten the atmosphere there. "What do you mean, Marsha? You won't shake hands with just anyone. Mr.Rich is the most successful businessman of all time, in fact, we always fight for the number one position because of the amount of wealth we have. Even though I still won last year and this year. Because he is too old to work." Alland said as he winked at Mr.Rich.

Mr.Rich replied to Alland with a laugh too. "You're exaggerating, but don't worry. I already have a replacement for this old man. My son Orios will replace me soon. You will surely be overwhelmed because he is as smart as i am." he said which somehow made Marsha's chest hurt to hear it.

"You see? He's always bragging about himself and his son." Alland said in a witty tone, but it didn't make Marsha smile one bit. She always gave the old man a sharp and piercing gaze.

"So, can we get started? I don't have much time." Mr. Rich said.

"Yes, you always never have time. Before you know it, the time you value will kill you." check out Marsha.

"What's the matter with you, Marsha?" Alland said to rebuke.

"I should be the one asking. Why didn't you tell me we were going to meet this old man?" she said in a disapproving tone.

Alland frowned in surprise. "You say it as if you know Mr. Rich. Do both of you know each other?" Alland asked looking at Marsha and Mr.Rich in turn.

"Yes, we know each other," answered Mr.Rich before Marsha answered Alland's question.

"What's the relationship between the two of you?" Alland asked again.

Actually it was not polite to ask, but when it comes to Marsha he is always curious about something.

Marsha hissed. "He's the true devil, the same you!" she said in a high tone, then left from there. Ignoring Alland's calls, who still faithfully called him.

"What's going on between you two Mr. Rich? Marsha's not usually like that," he said confused.

Mr. Rich shook his head slowly. "She used to work for my company, but for some reason, she left. Maybe it's because my son is always chasing her." Mr.Rich replied casually.

"Your son is chasing her?"

"As far as i know."

Alland growled in annoyance. "Of course, Marsha isn't comfortable working there. Your son shouldn't act like that, sir," he said it made Mr. Rich look at him strangely, but a second later he laughed amusedly.

"That's in the past, forget it. We'd better talk about work soon. You know i'm very busy." he said to tell.

In the end, they were engrossed in a work conversation that only the two of them could understand.

"I will repay you, Mr. Rich!" Marsha's determination had already walked out of the five-star hotel.

Let's see later!
