Part 23

"So, you haven't told him yet?"

Marsha shook her head weakly. She is currently in a cafe with her two best friends. At first, Marsha didn't want to tell her two friends what was going on, but it seemed like she had to. Marsha doesn't like to lie, especially those people who are Starla and Hana.

Of course, both of them were very surprised when they found out that Marsha had something alive and growing in her stomach. Starla even broke her glass by accident and Hana pounded the table without realizing it. And that all made the three of them the subject of attention, until over time both of them had started to calm down.

"Why not? He deserves to know Marsha." Starla said exasperatedly.

Hannah nodded in agreement. "He's the father of your unborn baby after all. Maybe you don't want him, but our nephew needs a father figure." Hana's words made Marsha mutter something.

"I want it too," her mumbled that his two friends couldn't hear.

"I wanted to tell him, but not now." Marsha's answer made the two friends exasperated by the slowed-down attitude.

"Ck. Why prolong it?! Just tell him, Marsha!" Starla insisted.

"You don't understand, Star. I'm scared," she whispered.

"What are you afraid of? You're a famous artist. I'm also pretty sure there won't be any sad dramas happening like in the popular Korean dramas. Just because you don't deserve a man like Alland Stanford." Starla replied quickly.

"Starla's right. You deserve it, Marsha." Hannah added.

"That's not it. I'm afraid he won't accept my child."

Starla snorted in annoyance. "For God's sake, Marsha. No father doesn't want his child. All fathers in this world, even if the father is crazy will always love his child!" Starla said exasperatedly, making Marsha flinch at Starla's words.

No father doesn't want his child.

Those words rang in Marsha's ears. It even sticks very firmly in her mind. And without realizing it, Marsha even issued a clear liquid from her eyes. She suddenly burst into tears, surprising Starla and Hana.

"Hey, Marsha. What's wrong? Did I say something wrong? Ah, I'm sorry." Starla said with a panicked expression, Hana was no less panicked.

"Oh my gosh Starla, you are! Why are you pressing her? Marsha also has reasons why she hasn't said it yet. I'm sure Marsha will say it and Alland will accept her child. No need to press her, Starla!" Hana scolded Starla while looking at her sharply.

"I'm not pressing Han. I just..."

"You just what? Just forcing her?"

"Ck. It's you!"

Marsha wiped the rest of her tears roughly. "Why are you arguing like that. I'm fine," she said to calm her two friends.

"Then why are you crying?" Hannah asked confused.

"I just miss my daddy, sometimes." the answer is slow.

Starla immediately covered her mouth tightly. She forgot that Marsha had a bad relationship with her father. She also never asked what the reason was that Marsha only said that, nothing more. Hana is the same, they both don't even know Marsha's origins. What they know is that Marsha is just an individual who just moved to New York to start her career as an artist, until now she has a big name in New York.

"You see!" Hana accuses Starla.

Starla grabbed Marsha's arm and held it tightly. "I'm sorry Marsha. I didn't mean to," she said sorry.

Marsha turned to Starla, then chuckled softly. "What's the matter with you guys? I'm fine," she said it allowed Starla and Hana to breathe a sigh of relief.

"You scare me, Marsh."

"Next time I'll cut your tongue if you always talk nonsense and make her sad again!" Hana's threat made Starla pout her lips cutely.

"Hey, Starla!" call a man who suddenly was next to their table.

Starla turned quickly. "Pervert, huh!" call her reply.

"What a coincidence. I didn't expect us to meet here," he said with a sweet smile.

Starla froze at Anderson's smile which looked...sweet? Sorry, he's very sweet. Starla quickly shook her head to get rid of the crazy thought.

"Yeah, what a coincidence."

Without asking permission, Anderson casually sat down next to Starla. Starla was sitting alone because in front of her Marsha and Hana were sitting next to each other.

"I'm waiting for my friend. Maybe you guys don't mind keeping me here?" Anderson's words were just small talk. Even though he was rejected, he would still sit there.

"There are still a lot of empty tables. Why do you have to sit here?" Marsha's question is just a formality.

Of course, because Marsha already knew that Anderson was Alland's close friend.

"No, no. I'll be sitting here. Besides, I don't like being away from my Starla," he said casually as he gave Starla a wink.

Starla gave her a sharp look.

"I'm not your girl!"

"Not yet, but will."


"Oh come on, did you forget our beautiful night?" Anderson's teasing deliberately reminded Starla of the night they enjoyed the pleasures of that world.

Starla widened her eyes in panic. She looked at Anderson with her deadly gaze that had always been her mainstay.

How could this pervert!

Seeing Starla's anxious expression and demeanor, Hana drew her sharp gaze as well. It seemed that what Anderson said was true because she could see from the way Starla threatened the man through her trademark gaze.

"So, you did it with this guy you call a pervert?! Damn it, Starla. What's the difference between you and him?" said Hannah half shrieking.

"I didn't mean to. I was drunk at the time and he took advantage of the tightness!" Starla denied that she didn't want to justify it.

"Opportunity in adversity? Then what did you consider last night?" Anderson asked innocently.

Starla's cheeks were red so clearly, even her ears were red too. Hana and Marsha looked at each other seeing the change in color on Starla's face.

"Gosh Starla! You should be more selective in choosing men. Didn't you say yourself that you wouldn't try a guy like him?" Hana said cornering Starla.

"Hey what do you mean? I'm too perfect even for her. She's selectively right!" Anderson didn't like it when Hana directly judged him.

Hana rolled her eyes lazily. "Why should I care. You two are the same," she said he was tired.

Marsha and Starla looked at Hana quickly. "We are different!" both of them quickly rebutted.

"What's different? You two even fucked random guys. Even Marsha had that guy's seed. And you Starla, just wait until you feel what Marsha feels." Hannah said with harsh words.

Marsha looked at Hana sarcastically. "I don't want this to happen to me either, Hana! You can't judge me and Starla like that!" Marsha snapped at Hana sharply.

She didn't like the way Hana addressed her future child, that's what Marsha thought.

Hana showed her regretful expression, then she looked straight at Marsha. "Sorry if I hurt you. My mouth is too easy to talk," she said who had lightly smacked her lips.

Marsha took a deep breath. No matter how Hana is her best friend, Marsha is sure that Hana doesn't have the heart to talk to her and Starla. She nodded her head slowly in response to Hana's apology.

"Wait a minute. So, your friend is pregnant? Marsha is pregnant?" asked Anderson who was quite surprised to hear that.

"What is your problem?" said Marsha.

"Hey Marsh, calm yourself down."

"No. I thought an artist like you would be more careful in playing. To think you'd be trashing your name again in the future." Anderson's words made Marsha start thinking about it.

Anderson was right.

"That's why you have to tell him, Marsha," Starla said urgently again.

"I think Starla has a point, too. If you're pregnant and have a father-to-be, then there won't be any scandals." connect Hannah.

Marsha snorted harshly. "You think so?" Marsha asked Anderson for some reason.

Anderson just nodded in approval.

"If this were your son. Would you accept it?" Marsha asked who sounded resigned.

Anderson turned to Starla. He stared at her for a long time, then a smile appeared on his lips. "Of course. I'll take responsibility." his answer made Starla's heart skip a beat.

"Why is he looking at me!" Starla thought.

"Okay. Looks like I have to tell him." saying surrender made Hana and Starla able to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Finally you made up your mind too, Marsha. Don't worry, we will always support you if he doesn't want to take responsibility," said Hana who replied with a faint smile from Marsha.

"If I may know, who is the father of your baby-to-be? A woman in your class would not be able to choose a man in this case," asked Anderson with his curiosity high enough.

"Of course not. He's a rich man and also very handsome. Not like you, pervert." Starla's squeak made Anderson look at him lazily.

"I'm Anderson, Starla!"

"Yes, yes, yes. Mr.Anderson."

"So, who is that man?"

"Alland. Alland Ray Stanford."

Damn it Alland!
