Part 25

Alland drove his car at full speed. Ignoring the hysterical screams of other road users as well as their angry screams because Alland was driving his car recklessly. His current goal is only one, namely, to meet Marsha and confirm the truth.

When Alland had just entered the lobby of Marsha's apartment, Alland could see the woman walking leisurely into her apartment building carrying a plastic bag. From inside the car, Alland was able to see if Marsha was holding back her nausea. The woman continued to walk with one hand covering her mouth. With a quick movement, Alland got out of the car and ran to Marsha.

"Ma...Marsha?" he called nervously when he was right behind her.

Alland caught Marsha's movement who suddenly stopped walking and her body suddenly stiffened. Without the need to twist her beautiful body, Marsha already knew who had called her. She was very familiar with that voice.

"Marsha?" call Alland again.

Marsha closed her eyes for a moment. She never expected to meet Alland at a time like this. Marsha did want to say what happened, but not now. Seeing Alland coming up to her and calling her full of doubts, made Marsha sure that Alland already knew the truth. But who told Alland? Hans, huh?


"We'll talk inside." disconnected Marsha finally who had returned walked into her apartment unit. Alland followed behind her.

Arrived at Marsha's apartment, without wasting any more time. Alland had hugged the woman from behind. He hugged her tightly as if he didn't want Marsha to leave her.

"Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you tell me the truth? And why should i know from someone else, Marsha?" he asked in a low voice.

Holding back all the emotions that are currently starting to surround him. Alland didn't want to hurt his woman, the woman he loved. That's why Alland lowered his ego as much as possible so as not to blame Marsha too much.

Uncontrollably, Marsha's tears suddenly flowed when she heard the questions that came out of Alland's mouth. Marsha's guess was right, Alland already knew it. She didn't care anymore who told Alland. What Marsha cares about at the moment, is Alland willing to accept herself and her future child?

"You should have told me, Marsha. There's no need to cover it up," he whispered with teary eyes.

Marsha sobbed. She shook her head weakly. "I...I'm scared," she said between sobs.

Alland gave a lot of kisses on the top of Marsha's head to calm her down.

"What are you afraid of? Are you afraid i won't take responsibility? Or are you afraid i'll tell you to abort the child?" Alland said to which only Marsha nodded her head.

Alland loosened his grip. Turning Marsha's body, then cupped her cheeks gently. Staring her right in the eye.

"You're stupid. You're the stupidest woman i've ever met," he said it made Marsha sob even more.

She was very sure that Alland really couldn't accept all of that.

"Al...Alland" called Marsha with difficulty in the middle of sobs.

Alland didn't answer. He turned to hug Marsha and returned many kisses on the top of her head with affection.

"You're an idiot for thinking that, Marsha. I wanted this to happen. I've been waiting for this day for so long." he whispered right in Marsha's ear.

Hearing Alland's confession, Marsha spontaneously stopped crying because Alland's whispering of her made her heart warm. Somehow, she no longer felt that nausea when she heard Alland's voice for the first time after someone had filled her flat stomach.

" know from whom?" she asked, wiping the remaining tears from Alland's shirt.

Alland smiled faintly feeling that not protesting at all.

"Anderson. I was quite shocked at first and couldn't believe it, but just seeing you downstairs with that pregnant woman's milk makes it all clear." the answer, who then had released his embrace, kissed Marsha's forehead lovingly.

" won't leave us, will you?" she asked doubtfully.

Alland smiled happily, then said. "Of course not. I promise to look after you both. You and our future child." he said sincerely.

Marsha also smiled happily hearing that. She had never felt this happy before. Moreover, hearing Alland say our future child, made Marsha lose her mind not to kiss Alland, and sure enough. Without shame again Marsha did what her heart wanted right now.

Marsha's kiss on Alland's lips turned hot when Alland returned the kiss. Crushed it deeply while pressing Marsha's nape even deeper. Even Marsha's hands were getting wilder and ruffled Alland's hair. After kissing for a long time, they finally decided on their bond. They stared at each other for a long time without saying a word. Until Alland's voice started it.

"I love you, Marsha."

Alland said it sincerely. A confession that came from the bottom of his heart. During this time Alland hesitated to say it because his heart still didn't know whether his feelings were right or wrong. But today he said it because he already realized everything that happened to him. It was no ordinary love. Alland realized, very aware that he had fallen into Marsha's charm.

Alland loves Marsha.


"So, when we went to London he was there?" Alland asked while looking at Marsha's flat stomach with a sad look. Marsha nodded in response.

They are currently at Alland's mansion. Alland had deliberately brought Marsha to his mansion just because he wanted to be alone with the woman after finding out about Marsha's condition. He is very happy with the good news and will probably immediately inform his parents so they can stop pressing him to get married. Because Alland will only marry Marsha, he won't marry if it's not Marsha.

"And you're throwing up because of jet lag. I'm so sorry for that, my Lil boy. I didn't know you were there, if i had known i wouldn't have brought your mommy." he said softly as he gently stroked Marsha's flat stomach.

Marsha smiled at him. This view is more beautiful than anything in this world. She didn't expect that just because of Alland's soft caress on her stomach, her heart warmed up. Her heart was also beating very strongly as if it couldn't stop when Alland was beside her.

"We don't know the gender yet. Why do you call him that?"

"It's okay. I'm sure our son is a great man like his daddy," he said with a big smile.

Marsha snorted in annoyance. "No. I'm pretty sure she's a pretty girl like me!" she denied having a different opinion from Alland.

"No, little bear. He's a boy and would be very handsome like me."

"No! She is my child, i'm the one who bears her and i will give birth to her later. She must be a woman like me!"

"Just throw your dream away, he must be a boy," said Alland who started to get carried away by Marsha who had different opinions about the gender of their child.

"She is a girl!"

"He's a boy, Marsha."

"She is a girl," Marsha whispered who for some reason even shed tears.

Seeing Marsha suddenly crying made Alland surprised. He grabbed Marsha's body and pulled her into his arms. Buried his head in the crook of Marsha's neck. It seems that this position will become Alland's favorite position because he likes the scent of Marsha's body which is always soothing.

"I don't care if it's a girl or a boy. The most important thing is that i will love him and the mother who gave birth to him. So, don't cry baby." Alland whispered in his low voice.

He didn't like seeing Marsha's tears falling just because of him. Alland hated that so much.

"Re...Really?" she asked between sobs.

Alland kissed the shoulder of Marsha who was wrapped in clothes. "Was my confession not clear enough? You know Marsha, i love you very much and i'm not going to force you to answer now either. I can still be patient." he sounded sincere.


"It's okay. I'm sure you need some time."

Marsha let go of her arms, then looked at Alland deeply. She was able to catch the look of sincerity in it, it was seen that Alland loved her. Likewise with him, but Marsha still doubts it. Not that she doubted Alland's sincerity, but that Marsha doubted herself.

Can she be with Alland? Can Alland accept it if the man knows where she comes from? Or will Alland give up if he knows the many dangers that always lurk? The last possibility is the thing that Marsha hates the most. Marsha didn't want Alland to give up on her, because Marsha was the same. She also loved the man.

"You want to know the answer?"

"No need to force it. I told you i can still be patient." Alland said lying.

He couldn't even wait to hear Marsha's confession because Alland didn't want to lose his little bear. Whatever it was, even though Marsha couldn't reciprocate his feelings, Alland would make sure that she would be his alone. Only belongs to Alland.

"But i want to answer now."

"Okay, if that doesn't bother you."

Marsha was silent for a moment, then she let out a nervous voice.



Alland's cell phone vibrated violently. Indicating an incoming call made him have to pick it up and delay Marsha's confession. If it weren't for Troy calling, Alland wouldn't have missed this opportunity, but the truth about Marsha was all that mattered right now. So, that he would know how he could protect his own.

Marsha saw Alland's back which was getting further and further away until finally, it was out of sight. Disappear behind the building walls in the Alland mansion.

Marsha smiled weakly her eyes looking blank.

"I'm scared. I'm afraid you know everything."
