Part 26

The sound of laughter was heard as soon as Alland had just set foot in his mansion. It's been 3 months since Alland confessed to Marsha and at this time, Alland had deliberately invited his two best friends to meet Marsha. So, that they too could become good friends. Likewise with Marsha also invited her two best friends. So, now in the living room, there are Anderson, Christo, Marsha, Starla, and Hana.

"Really?! That's crazy, the story of you two is to cliche, bear!" there was a loud shriek that Alland knew very well.

Of course, the reckless Christo, who else could it be?

"Yeah, you're right, what a cliche. Just like stories in novels." Starla chirps added.

"Hey, so do you. Don't you, Anderson?" poke Marsha with her fork.

Anderson flashed his horse grin, then threw a flirtatious wink at Starla to which Starla immediately responded with a wink.

"She's right, babe. Don't corner Marsha because we are too," he said deliberately teasing Starla.

"We are different! Our first meeting took place in the supermarket when you forgot your safety and I also didn't accept you in my life, let alone expect your seeds in my stomach. So, we are both different!" Starla denied.

The three of them laughed amusedly when they saw Starla's red face reaching her ears. Anyone knows Starla confirmed it, but she was too embarrassed to justify it. Of course, she would be embarrassed, her two best friends would make fun of her if Starla admitted it. Ah, don't forget the hyper Christo.

After being satisfied with laughing at Starla's behavior, they suddenly stopped making sounds when they noticed Alland's presence and the man immediately took a step toward Marsha. He sat next to his woman and shifted Christo's sitting position, which had been next to Marsha. Alland doesn't like Marsha just being close to Christo because it turns out that his best friend is interested in Marsha.

Remember when Christo called Alland that night? When they meet again and when Marsha is almost abused by Noah? That's when Alland realized that the bear that Christo had always been looking for was the same as his. From there, Alland began to be on guard if Marsha was close to Christo. No one knows what's in his crotch brain like his best friend, even though he's just as lecherous.

"Hey, what are you doing!" Christo protested to Alland because Alland was interfering with his fun.

"What the hell are you," replied Alland quickly.

"Tsk. I just sat next to her, Al. Do you think i'm going to snatch her? I'm not like that." he said which started with an annoying clunk.

"No one knew you would forcibly snatch it from me," he answered by emphasizing the word forced.

Marsha chuckled amused at Alland's answer. "You're very confident, sir. He doesn't have to force me because i'll gladly accept. Maybe your friend is more pleasant than you." she said as he threw a seductive wink at Christo. Deliberately wanted to make Alland jealous.

Christo also responded with pleasure. "Really? Then before the child is born we will--"


Without being able to prevent it, Alland immediately lunged at Christo who was next to him, and then grabbed his collar roughly. He looked at her with slightly reddened eyes, a sign that Alland was holding back his anger.

"Who do you think you are to replace me as the father of my future child, damn Christo!" Alland snapped.

Maybe for Christo, this was just a joke, but not for Alland. Fear and doubt always come to him every night when he remembers Marsha who has not returned his confession 3 months ago when he expressed his feelings. Again, remembering Marsha's origins, which he didn't know the truth about, made Alland even more afraid to lose Marsha.

"Hey, calm down Al! Christo was just kidding." Anderson had stood up to help release Alland's grip on Christo's collar.

Instead of being afraid, Christo smiled amusedly. "You see Anderson? He's even jealous of me. I told you I'm prettier than him." he said teasing Alland again.

Alland grunted in annoyance, then let go of his grip. Christo was right, he shouldn't be jealous of such an ugly man.

"I'm not jealous. I just want to teach you a lesson so you can keep your promise," he said in a cold tone while leaning his body on the soft sofa.

Marsha, who noticed the change in Alland's aura, then gently grasped Alland's palm which was on his thigh.

"What's wrong with you?"

Alland didn't answer. There was one thing he knew from Marsha. Although it has not been proven true, it always haunts him. Stupidly, Alland didn't dare to ask the woman directly. He was afraid that Marsha would even leave him. Yes, Alland is a coward when it comes to Marsha.

"I'm just tired," he answered in a low tone.

"We're still here in case you forgot." Starla's interruption saw the intimacy between the two of them.

"You've got Anderson if you want," said Hana who had been silent there.

Starla replied to Hana's words with a sharp look.

"You want me, honey?" Anderson teased with the seductive expression he gave Starla.

"You crotch brain!" said Christo.

"You too."

"No, you're more perverted lord pervert," said Starla quickly.

"Ck. You two!" chirped Christo.

Alland shook his head at the behavior of the people around him. When Marsha wanted to ask again about Alland's condition, the man had already moved from his seat.

"Where are you going?" asked Marsha.

"You guys eat first. I've to finish the rest of my work," he says, then leaves from there.

"Ck. He's always busy. He should be able to make time tonight. We've worked hard to find time to get together." said Christo annoyed.

"Never mind. You're like a child. If you want to wait, go ahead, I won't. My stomach is growling." said Anderson, who had also gotten up from his seat. Followed by Starla and Christo.

"You're right, perverted master," Starla said before she followed in the footsteps of the two handsome men.

"I know what you're thinking. If you're worried about him, you'd better go see him," said Hana, who was still loyal to accompany Marsha.

Marsha nodded weakly. "You're right. I'm just confused by his attitude because he's not usually like that, Han." Marsha replied.

Hanna smirked. "I thought a crazy woman like you couldn't fall in love, but in fact, you love a man like him," she said deliberately teasing Marsha.

Marsha pursed her lips cutely. "I'm not a guy fan. Besides, he's different from those guys, Han. I can feel it."

"Yeah, I guess so. Instead of you spending time with us, you'd better sort things out first. I can handle the rest for you." she said making Marsha smile happily.

"I really can count on you, Han. Then I'll go up first." she then left Hana in the living room of Alland's huge mansion.

Hana smiled back at Marsha's departure. "May he be your last, Marsha."
