There was always commotion in one of the most successful media houses in

Hollywood but today was different as there was a celebratory party for one of

their most successful movie. Rumours say it was only to please one single

person who was most likely to be the life of the party. But no one was willing to

get their careers on the line and criticize him openly. The fact that they all

envied his success and were always impressed by his work, in the end, was too

much for them to process at the same time. All those shiny decorations and

special arrangements were enough to please all those filthy rich people even

outside the showbiz industry.

''Where is he?'' One of the most handsome-looking men present at the party

who caught the attention of multiple celebrities asked his sectary getting

annoyed as he hated getting late for anything.

''We are trying to find him.'' sectary replied getting scared a little after seeing

his expressions.

He was not the only one who caught the attention of multiple people at once

as there was a goddess among them whose eyes were wandering as if she was

looking for someone in all that colorful crowd.

''Where the hell is she?'' she asked, biting her lower lip habitually. Not having

the patience to just stand and look around she decided to look for her on her


''Ma'am, wine?'' one of the servers asked mesmerized by her beauty.

''No thanks. Where is the resting area?'' she asked him in response. Her voice

was as lovely as she looked.

''On your left.'' He replied, lost in the view in front of him when she went away

after thanking him.

''I can't believe I need to look for my assistant instead of her doing so.'' She

spoke to herself pretty annoyed at everything which was happening today. As

she was supposed to meet the most well-known director alongside her, she

was nowhere to be seen.

Wandering around in unfamiliar places was something she detested the most

and yet someone was the reason for her to do all of this. There was not even a

single soul there as no one was willing to miss out on the fun at the party. Such

peace never failed to attract her until she was familiar with it. But it was not

the case for her now as she had to be careful of every single person she was

going to meet today. Getting warned about all those two-faced people she was

not sure what she was even supposed to do at this point.

She dragged a long skirt hugging her perfectly curved body ready to open the

lounge door at the end of the hall not knowing what was hidden behind it, her

slender fingers holding the doorknob.

Her breath hitched after looking in front of her. Good heavens! What did she see

to make her act like this through the thin crack of the door, the two people

hugged together, one was violently struggling, and one was imprisoning the


How could she not recognize the man standing inside when he was none other

than Jack Oliver, the one and only superstar for whom this whole party was


''Don't tell me to leave you. I don't care about anyone.'' He spoke as if he was

not ready to let go of the girl in his arms in any condition. It was quite difficult

to differentiate such filmy scenes from reality as anyone who saw him like this

was only when he was acting in movies. So many questions arose from his state

as everyone else who knew him had a different image of him in his mind.

She was also one of them as her mind was not able to process anything she saw

in front of her eyes at that very moment. Knowing very well that the best thing

to do at that moment was to walk away and act as if she saw nothing as getting

on his bad terms could mean the end of her working carrier but there was this

unknown force which was keeping her stick there without moving an inch.

Waiting to find out everything as she would pass out with curiosity if she left

everything as it was right now.

''You need to understand. It's too much for me and I can't give up everything I

was able to get after so many years. My career and fame will all be destroyed if

we make it public.'' She replied losing his grip on her. Her beauty mostly

consisted of unrealistic products, yet she was able to capture his eyes with all

that she went through just for this.

''Don't worry. No one will know. You just need to be with me as long as I

want.'' Such romantic words meant a lot for all those fans who loved watching

his movies but for them, it was a commitment with mutual interest as everyone

had their area of interest in all this.

She was not the only one who was able to witness everything with her own eyes

as someone else was also staring at her instead of paying attention to what was

going on inside that room. Those dark eyes scanned her whole body from head

to toe while his poker face stayed the same. It was impossible to grab his

attention and yet she succeeded in doing so without even knowing it herself. It

was as if he was waiting for her to turn around and show her full face instead of

her half face which he was able to see right now.

But she was too busy to notice anyone's eyes fixed on her for such a long time.

All she wanted was to find out more before they two can notice her presence

outside. Pocking her nose into their business was not her actual motive yet she

ended up doing something familiar to it.

On the other hand, he was not able to understand the reason she was able to

grab his attention like this. He was supposed to complete his urgent work for

which he came this far leaving everyone else behind, but he forgot about

everything right now. How much he wanted to stand there staring at her forever

until he heard mixed voices coming from behind. A peaceful moment like this

was bound to fail at some point. As his personal life was never that interesting

to him in the first place. He was able to snap out of that moment right away and

realized it was not a good idea to stay here like this and let things become a

mess for all of them.

Taking long strides towards her he had to make sure he changes everything

before someone else find out about them. Only to make her jump scare when his

hand appeared in front of her from behind closing the door she was holding onto

at once. She turned around instantly to look at the person who was responsible

for all of this when their eyes met each other for the first time. He was amazed

and peaceful at the same time after being able to see her face from close as his

curiosity turned into confusion about what he was feeling at that moment.

''W-what....'' She was not able to change her thoughts into the question she

wanted to ask him as he locked their lips in the blink of an eye. Her eyes wide

opened in shock when he closed his eyes unintentionally melting into the

velvety touch of her soft lips on his. She was too shocked to move a single inch,

far away was the idea of pushing him back. Her body froze in her place while

she only felt his warm lips in response. His possessive hold was even stronger

as compared to the superstar standing inside that room.

Surrendering to everything she felt at a single moment she closed her eyes,

being driven by her mixed emotions. They both were in another world until the

intense flashing on their faces brought them back instantly. He finally let her go

only to find her stiff in her place while she was not even able to breathe at this


''You need to cooperate with me on this.'' He spoke, lovingly removing the

strand of hair from her face while a bunch of reporters were busy taking their

pictures from different angles. As they were never going to lose such a

remarkable scandal which was surely going to stay in hot news for the whole

week. The person involved was one of the most successful producers and acting

CEO of N&M Limited. Making him one of the richest people attending the

party held by him.

''It's rude to disturb someone in the middle of something like this. Don't you all

agree?'' he spoke, sliding his arm on her waist and pulling her closer while his

dominating voice fully represented his personality in front of them all.

''Sir, is she your girlfriend?''

''Are you going to make it official?''

There were so many questions coming from them nonstop while Isabella kept

staring at him in shock waiting for him to clear it all to her first. Not able to

believe the fact she got herself into a trending scandal unintentionally.