I don't remember the last time I was able to get ready on time whenever I have

to attend some type of special event and today was one of those days while I

was running back and forth in my apartment trying my best to get ready on

time. It was not the pressure of work on my shoulders right now as I know how

much I'm going to get scolded if I don't get ready on time. Sometimes I don't

understand why I have to be so lazy when I dream so big which needs me to do

extra work as compared to everyone else present in my life right now.

What a fool I am to forget about something so important as I was still not able

to introduce myself properly in all of this emergency. I don't consider myself

someone special yet now, but I know one day many people will do the work of

introducing me to everyone else as I will make sure to become famous and cross

everyone in showbiz right now. Many consider me crazy for all those unrealistic

dreams I have but I know one day will come when everything becomes true in

my life, and I will succeed.

Graduating 2 years before the normal time and living alone in a big city was

never easy for me but the fire inside me keeps me going no matter what type of

hurdles come my way. I don't know how many times I checked myself in the

mirror to make sure I'm looking good, and I was not even able to find proper

help in getting ready for the party but someone who hates putting on too much

makeup is surely going to face how much difficulty in a place where such skills

are the basic necessity.

I love spending my time alone in my company and the more I can ignore people

the best feeling I have as long as I don't have to communicate directly with

them. But today was different from every other day as such events proved to be

luck-winning events for many people many directors hand-pick many actors for

major roles in their upcoming projects after failing to get one in every audition,

I have given so far I can't keep wasting my time doing all those side roles as it

will only make me get old before time with no chance of becoming a superstar.

It was already very difficult for me to get the invites to that party and I must do

my best to take advantage of such an opportunity before it's too late.

I never felt this excited and anxious at the same time that I was starting to lose

all my senses as I was on my way there until reality hit me hard when I looked

at all those people who seemed out of this world. There is surely no way I stand

a chance against them as even the ones serving there were looking much better

than me.

After coming back to my senses, I realised all those things were what I went

through before arriving at the party and opening that door which I surely regret

doing so right now very badly. I really can't believe that someone like me was

able to get into something like this with no intentions of becoming part of such

drama in real life. Getting kissed by a stranger I'm losing my mind as that was

the last thing on my wish list which never existed in the first place.

Surprise and embarrassment were small words compared to what I was feeling

right now as I don't know how to react in front of that handsome figure who was

answering all those media people so confidently and I was not even able to pay

attention to a single word coming out of his mouth right now. Everything went

just like that until he looked at me raised his eyebrow and bent on my level

before opening his mouth once again.

''You just have to accept being my girlfriend for the time being and I will make

sure to get you a major lead role in the upcoming movie.'' For a moment I was

not able to believe my ears for what they just heard but after seeing how much

attention the media was paying to him, I was sure that he was a big figure I was

not aware of, but I just decided to listen and obey without asking a single

question. I surely know this was the most stupid thing to do right now but I was

left with no choice as well. It's not like they were interested in my story or me

so how can I reject a golden offer like this?

Having so many questions in my mind I was not able to come up with a better

decision. Why would someone like him need me to act as his girlfriend

especially in front of the media when he could choose to be with anyone else, he

wanted? How come a stranger ended up kissing me out of nowhere as if he was

running away from someone and hiding on purpose? Does this mean I am in

trouble with him, or I am the one with weird thoughts in my mind? I felt myself

getting dizzy when all this started popping into my mind.

''I hope you don't mind letting us enjoy ourselves on our own and we will give

an official interview later when we have the time.'' He spoke when I realized he

was surely not pulling some type of prank on me. What a weird person he surely

is. Soon many security guards arrived forcing all the press people to leave when

I found myself alone with him alone.

''Care to explain what just happened?'' I asked looking at him and realising

how handsome he was. Any woman will be willing to date someone like him at

all costs, but I was having some other plans right now.

''I was looking for you everywhere.'' My assistant Ciara spoke grabbing our

attention at the same time his phone rang.

''Give me some time. I will clear out everything for you.'' Saying this he

marched out in speed. Must be something urgent to make him leave like this.

But how could he leave me unattended like this after causing such a big storm

in my life?

''You were dating him and hid it from me. How mean of you.'' Ciara spoke in a

sad tone when I had to explain everything from the start going away from that

place before someone else comes as we were still not done with our work.

''It's better for you to ask him about everything before going back to the party

as news spreads like fire here. I don't want you to make a fool of yourself in

front of everyone.'' She replied taking my both hands into hers. She indeed is

my best friend.

''I think I should just reject him in person so he can handle everything on his

own,'' I spoke not able to think of something better than this.

''Do you even know he is? People like him can erase your whole existence from

showbiz if you get on their wrong side. You better take advantage of this

opportunity. It's not like showbiz couples last long.'' She replied when I already

knew. It's all because of the directors and producers that actors succeed. It's not

like there will be not even a single person left if he doesn't offer me work. I was

so confused at this moment, especially after listening to her statement.

I came here to get close to my target not to become a target of someone's

scandal. One thing was clear to me no matter how much I want to go back

nothing will be the same as before. Only he can find a solution to all of this as

he is the only sole reason behind all of this.

''I need to find him,'' I spoke getting up after making up my mind when she

raised her eyebrow at me. She will know after coming with me on her own.

I don't know how I am supposed to find him when he left me without saying

anything about himself. I gathered the courage to go back out and look for him

myself, but I found him standing at the end of the corridor with someone else.

It's so easier to find him from this far all thanks to his height and masculine

build. He must do a lot of workouts to maintain this figure. I can't believe I am

drooling over someone like this as I never took the first step in my previous

relationships, and they mostly ended on bad terms as I was never participating

much according to them.

Only after getting closer, I was able to recognize the one standing beside him

who was none other than Jack Oliver. I wonder what he is doing here.

''I never asked you to sacrifice yourself for myself,'' Jack spoke in a pretty

annoyed tone. I wonder what they were talking about looking this serious.