I don't know why some people have to be this stupid that they always end up

getting in trouble. If not for his insane success I would have dumped him long

ago. This man has the talent to get on my nerves without failing a single time.

It was all because of him I had to act insane in front of her. I don't know what

had gotten into me, but I ended up kissing her in real life instead of putting up

some type of act in front of everyone. No wonder I never became an actor after

being crazy to be one in my teenage years.

''You could have lost all your fans if the press caught you like that,' I spoke,

trying my best not to let out my anger as the next moment I might do will be

punching his face real hard. How dumb does someone have to be to act around

like this?

''But I was not. You should thank me for getting you a chance to get together

with someone,' he replied, smirking. I hope he knows whatever he is doing right

now will cost him a hefty price in the end as mocking me is never a good idea.

''Just to save your lousy ass I had to drag a complete newbie into all of this. Do

you even know how much it can affect her career?'' I spoke trying to get some

sense in his dumb brain so he will take everything seriously and announce his

upcoming project in front of the media so we can divert their attention from me

in the meantime.

''I never asked you to sacrifice yourself for yourself,'' I knew our conversation

was going nowhere so I have to use some other methods in front of him so he

will wake up to reality.

''He sacrificed me not himself.'' I heard a familiar female voice when we both

looked in the same direction.

''You lucky man. At least she is a pretty accident.'' Jack spoke only to receive a

glare in response.

''Look. I can fix everything.'' I spoke marching towards her as she was looking

quite displeased after listening to our chat. Well, anyone in her place would do

the same after knowing she was used as a pawn in all of this drama.

I felt a little sting on my cheek realizing she just slapped me right in my face

without even letting me say a single word. No one dared to lay a single finger

on me since my childhood and here she did the unexpected.

''No one has the right to use me for their purposes.'' I was not able to

understand the type of feeling I had for her at this point. As they were surely not

of anger or anything similar at all.

''Let's leave.'' Another girl beside her spoke dragging her away when I noticed

her presence just now as all of my attention was directed towards her till now. I

kept looking at her silently as she was doing the same thing. She was not even

blinking far away was a hint of regret on her face. She messed with the wrong

person for sure as at first, I was going to go easy on her and possibly help her

get out of this but after what she has just done, I don't have any intentions to do


''You, okay?'' Jake asked while he started laughing at the end of his statement. I

looked at him so he will understand he is not in the position of making fun of

me when he can get someone else punishment in their place.

''Shut up if you don't want to lose that face of yours which is your only

breadwinner,'' I replied when he lost all his confidence right away. Seems like

he knows his worth a little too much. Still, he goes around causing all that

trouble like some toddler. I don't even know why I have to hire him for my

projects at this point. If not for all that hefty production and other efforts beauty

is nothing in this field until they are provided with everything else.

''You said you will get her a major role in one of your projects. Let her be the

main lead of my next project and I will accept your offer. Instead, I will

announce it tonight as well.'' Jake spoke making me confused as I don't know

why he had to cause all that drama when he was going to accept the proposal

that easily in the end. It's impossible to understand his crazy thoughts sometime

as I don't know what to do with him at this point.

''Why sudden change of mind?'' I asked as I don't want him to cause any type

of ruckus later when everything will be settled from our side first. As I know

very well how much trouble he causes during shooting his little scenes.

''She caught my interest, man. Who wouldn't work with someone who was able

to slap the mighty Noah Arthur aka the master of the showbiz industry.'' He

replied, much expected from his side as he only likes playing around using such

distractions to please himself all the time.

''Stop messing around. I am not going to save your useless ass every time.'' I

replied not knowing why I don't want to drag her into his fun games of all the

time. When she messed with the wrong person, I should let her suffer the

consequences. But she messed with me so I should be the one who give her the

taste of her own medicine.

''I will only work if she is in the movie or forget everything,'' Jake spoke

grabbing my attention which was making me wonder if he is just doing all of

this to mess with me as he never showed interest in any project cast like this no

matter how choosey he is. I don't know what to do with him.

''Get ready. You will announce your project at the end of the show.'' I spoke

leaving him as I need to get some other things done on time, so everything goes

just as I want it to go. I always want perfection in my work otherwise it's a

complete failure in my eyes.

'' Re-do the project contract and I want another contract ready this instant,'' I

ordered my sectary who was following me around as we went to my resting

area. I need to get everything ready before I go back.

''Find everything about her. immediately.'' I ordered Leo who has been serving

as my henchman for the past few years. Sending everyone away I didn't realise

when I started looking at the CCTV footage all over again when I kissed her.

Who the hell is she to make me this crazy? I was not able to understand the type

of feelings I have at this moment. No one can make me feel this way and on top

of all that I felt this weird connection with a stranger, which was not like me at

all. I need to get myself checked at this rate.

The overwhelming feeling of remembering that kiss as I still wanted much more

than that was soon replaced when I touched my cheek which was still able to

feel the light touch of her fingers on it. She did piss me off at some next level as

she was not supposed to do this. She awaken the devil inside me after

challenging me like this which was not going to be good for her at all. I know it

was wrong for me to use her just to grab media attention away from Jack but

still replying with a slap when I just kissed her was too much.

''Sir. We got as much information possible for now.'' Leo replied after coming

back. Giving me the tablet in his hand I sent him away to continue his research

as I know he could not find much detail about her in this short time as I want to

know every single secret of her life. As I will make sure to use her weapons

against her and teach her a lesson in the end. Darling, you messed with the

wrong person, and I am going to make sure you regret it forever.

Name: Isabella Grace

Age: 24 years old

Parents: Ava Miller (mother), Luke Grace (father)

Address: XYZ, Milton Street...

Phone number: ...895

I read everything when nothing caught my attention that much. She surely is a

genius in her academic performance, but it won't matter as in the real world you

need to have another knowledge to survive. I was able to get her number and

address which was a good thing. I sent her attached pictures to my phone when

a smile made its way to my face. She was single according to the information I

got but I know all those actors do their best to hide it from the media.

''Miss Isabella Grace,'' I spoke after calling her from my phone when I realized

how soft her name feels on my tongue when it suits her beautiful appearance as


''Yes, who are you?'' I heard her angelic voice only to end up smirking. Only if

she knew her doom started from the moment, she made the mistake of slapping
