'W a i t !', melchior says to Luna who was crying and walking so fast leaving his house. He drags her by the hand facing her to him. 'W h e r e are you going', he asks

'There's more to me than what people think, I love you but sometimes it's just hard for m e!', she replies wiping her tears.

' You know I l o v e y o u!', Melchior confesses his love for her

'Y o u stand up for me, defend me and fight for me that alone is love', she says.'i feel endless joy when am with you', she added moving closer to him

'Words are short of d e s c r i b i n g how beautiful you make me feel, I just want to let you know that you own all my h e a r t!, if I'm asked to choose between you and all the t r e a s u r e s of the world, I would choose you over and over again', Melchior tells Luna as he goes in to kiss her as she pulls away gently.

'Since you've been around I smile a lot more than I used to, I l o v e y o u!, some days am strong and some days I quit', Luna says taking steps back ward. 'I need my s p a c e', she added as she turns and leaves him alone standing.


'how are things g o i n g with you and Chris', Luna asks Micaela

'p r o g r e s s i v e!', she replied blushing. 'I haven't seen your and Melchior together lately. 'what's w r o n g?', Micaela asked.

Luna pours out h e r mind and heart to her friend, she explains to her the situation and she began to cry. Luna truly loves M e l c h i o r and this was another terrible heartbreak.

'So what does your heart s a y ?', Micaela asks her

'I want to take the leap of faith, I want to fight for our love even if it means r i s k i n g all', Luna says c o u r a g e o u s l y willing her eyes

'if you can't have him, no one else can don't let the sadness and pain from your lost love exhaust the remaining love you have in your heart, It's time to stop the sadness and fight for what you love', Micaela said as Luna thanks her friend r i s k i n g out of the house.