Luna goes to Melchior house and opening the door it was him . He was so excited to her with butterflies in his belly and his heart leaping for joy .

'I t h o u g h t you'll never come back', he says as he hugs her tightly.

'He's been d e p r e s s e d for days now', Sabina melchior's mother says from inside the house

Melchior w e l c o m e s Luna into his home and facing his family he makes his final decision

'I want no one except her, and I have made my mind to be with her f o r e v e r!', he concludes.

His family realized how much they both love eachother and they were not going to stop them either. They didn't say a word to oppose, neither did they leave them in anger.

Melchior marks Luna with the v a m p I r e's scent to indicate ownership. He feels sparks with his heart beating faster. 'Now and f o r e v e r! I want you with me', he tells Luna

'Only you I promise to love f o r e v e r, you are the joy of my existence', she replied him planting a deep kiss

'Follow your heart', Sabina melchior's mother said with Alarick his father concurring to it as they both smiled at them both.

They did not let themselves be distracted by anything. Immediately there was fireworks going off outside the house this was a great moment for a passionate kiss as they both smiled still not letting themselves become distracted. They weren't going to let the passion-o-meter drop. Even with the family staring at them they still kept their focus on the kiss and on themselves. Nothing was f a s c i n a t i n g them than the sensation of their passionate kiss.

Melchior rests his hands lightly on Luna's waist and gently g r i p p i n g her hips while kissing her.

'I smile every time I think of you', Melchior whispers in her ears

'As hard as I try, mere words really aren't enough to e x p r e s s how I feel about you', Luna whispers back as they both smile.


'L o v e b I r d s!', Luna says to Micaela as she walks into the room with Chris holding her hand.

'lilly's condition is really getting worse', Chris jokes making them all laugh so hard

'I a p p r o a c h e d her earlier today and she ran away screaming in fear, the school is now free from her', Micaela added as they all laughed continuously.

'Everyone thinks she's crazy', Luna jokes as she's turns to Melchior. 'I l o v e y o u!'.

'I love you to the moon and back', Melchior replies kissing her romantically giving her another love bite.

''You two get a room'", Chris jokes as he whispers in Micaela ear.

'How about a p r i v a t e time to ourselves', he said as Micaela agrees as they both sneak out of the room together leaving Luna and Melchior in their romantic moment. Locking the door from outside micaela writes on a paper and Chris pasted the writing on the door which said 'Busy, No disturbance'.

second chance doesn't mean anything if you didn't learn from your first.

Luna was g r a c i o u s enough to have gotten a second chance.

Don't think there are no s e c o n d c h a n c e s. Life always offers you a second chance.