Seeking Answers

Days went by with Lila always leaving and going back at night. Alex wanted to help but she didn't let him.Colt and Anaya have been walking around tensed up.

The entire household was sad.Sadly, even their missions were interrupted. There was no way they could go through with the initial plans without clearing the air among them.

On this day, Anaya could no longer take it. She needed to get out of that place which was slowly suffocating her. The place she once loved to be was becoming a source of stress for her.

Hence she woke up quite early intending to clear the air with Lila. Sadly, the younger girl was already gone. She found Alex and Colt in the living room.

Not bothering with them, she walked out taking her devices with her. Before she could disappear, Alex stopped her.

" Hey Anaya. Where are you going?" She shrugged his hands off and glowered at him.