
She woke up to the sound of chains being pulled over a metal. Raising her head, she was welcomed by complete darkness. 

Lila closed her eyes and reopened them again. This time, her silver orbs glowed brightly lighting the dungeon enough for her to inspect the space. 

From the itchiness she felt on her skin, she was certain about one thing. The agents weren't as kind as Kai had been when he captured her. 

They had spared no effort to go easy on her. The chain that kept her in place was made of silver to keep her wolf at bay. But chains weren't the only things keeping her in place. 

Something else was tied around her waist and attached to a heavy object. She could only guess that it was something new the humans came up with to keep powerful prisoners in place. 

The only part of her that could freely move was her head. Her gaze fell on the two unconscious bodies that were tied on the opposite side.