Angry words

Maya watched Colt pace around the room. Ever since she broke the news to him, he became cold and restless. She understood his feelings and let him be. 

That was two days ago. On this day, the plan was going into action. They were expecting visitors who would help them free the others. 

Maya chewed on her lips, afraid of saying anything wrong. Her heart was in pain. It was never a secret to whom his heart belonged. 

She never tried to compete with her for his love either. she thought she would be content with having him for a while. 

Regrettably, she became a victim of love. Her emotions grew deeper by the day. She could hardly stay away from the man. 

Some days, she let herself believe that he felt something for her as well. The way he held her with so much care after their intimate sessions. 

How he treated her in their everyday interaction. Even sharing her home with him became a habit. Until this moment.