
"I think I love you." These words echoed in his brain hours after Kai said them. The wizard Lord couldn't help it.

It was no secret that he liked both genders. Before finding Lila, his harem was made up of both men and women. He was an open-minded person.

Once upon a time, he had a thing for Kai. More so after discovering that they shared a mate. His emotions grew more complicated when he realized that they were each a half of a whole.

Kai's presence in his life after Lila found out the truth kept him afloat. He dares to say that he would have drowned in misery if the werewolf wasn't for him.

Knowing that he had someone cheering for him kept him sane. On his own, it was so easy to fall back into darkness. Perhaps, things would never be okay again if he had taken that route.

Fortunately, he didn't. He had someone to hold and give him words of hope. Zander smiled, eyes sparkling with love as he took care of Kai.