More Than Lovers

A smile crept across his features, lighting up his eyes. The golden hues sparkled in the process. Cosmo expertly shifted, straddling Magnus in the process.

He moved his body until he was lying chest to chest with Magnus. His forehead rested on the Seer's! Silver orbs and golden eyes clashed, both filled with the sparks of love.

Magnus rubbed his nose fondly against his beloved's. His hands rested on the Devil's back, the warmth seeping into Cosmo's soul.

"I love you so much, I can't explain it in words. Seeing how far we have come, it feels magical, these thing we have between us. I can't find the right word for it.

I can't give it a fitting name either. No bond in this realm will ever come close to what we have. My love, we survived. We managed to thrieve despite the curse that tore at us every day.