Chranoa’s Power! Zamasu's Plan?

It was Chranoa! She was here and she looked livid. I could see it in her eyes. She looked over to Zamasu and Goku black and put some kind of bubble around them so I could move again. Chranoa began to speak.

"You got to try harder if you wanna get rid of the Time Patrol!, she snapped her finger and like a cannon a beam shot out of nowhere and went right through Zamasu and the bubble disappeared and he fell Goku Black Smiled as Zamasu got back up and his wound healed instantly i looked in horror and Chranoa was punched in the face and she flew into me and i got pinned to the wall of the fountain again, i looked over to see Samantha sneaking up on them. Chrnoa was badly hurt and Zamasu and Goku black fused using the potara, i looked down at Chronoa,"I hope you'll forgive me!", i grabbed her potara and threw it to Samantha we put them on and fused, our gi was all white with black and white hair, our eyes were two different colors and our name is…..


Fused zamasu looked puzzled then he looked pissed.

"You dare use the tools of the Gods!", he put up his hand gestured something aimed at the supreme kai of time we instantly appeared over there and blocked the lightning bolt, smoke was coming from my hand as thats we're the lightning struck, samantha and i spoke in unison.

"I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU SELF RIGHTEOUS GODS!", we transformed into rainbow of colors it all disappeared and our hair turned silver, and there was an intense heat coming off of our body, Zamasu Spoke yet again.

"You dare use a Technique of the gods", we replied

"You bet!", we breathed in and exhaled, "How else am i supposed to kick your Butt!"