He who was foolish enough

While hearing Isaac's screams in the distance, Sarah and Samuel walked inside the library, but were quickly stopped by a team of guards.

"Please identify yourselves" The leading guard asked, who seemed rather stern yet polite.

Sarah quickly showed the guard her student token before saying her name.

"Sarah Goldmann, student of the academy hereby requests entry."

"Granted miss Goldmann, entry will be allowed for a period of twenty-four hours, please enjoy your stay." The guard replied to the beautiful young girl with a smile on his face.

Samuel was excited, an accumulation containing thousands of years of knowledge stood right before him, he couldn't wait to get in so he hastily copied Sarah and identified himself.

"Samuel, guest of the academy hereby requests entry." He said while showing the guard his guest token. But to his great surprise, the guard sends his Ki into his guest token and directly refused his entry!

"Denied! Guests will not be allowed to enter without being vouched for by the person responsible for their invitation, your guest token has not been vouched and therefore I am not allowed to grant you access, my apologies sir."

'I need to be vouched? Why didn't Simon mention anything about that?' Samuel thought as he replied to the guard.

"My apologies, I was unaware of such rules. The person who invited me told me I would have the same rights and privileges as a student."

"I'm sorry sir, there's nothing I can do." The guard apologetically said, before sending him back with Sarah who would of course not enter on her own without him.

Once back outside, Isaac and his friends noticed them immediately and were looking at Samuel with mocking faces.

"Haha, the peasant isn't even allowed to enter the library!" One of Isaac's friends yelled at them.

When Isaac heard this, he was smart enough and directly knew that Samuel couldn't be a student at the academy, and although Sarah should have been aware of the library's rules, he couldn't think of any other possibility and certainly wouldn't expect a fifteen year old boy with common origins to be a guest at the academy. But after a moments thought it clicked... he had to be a guest or else, how could he have passed the academy's array?

"Y-You... are a guest at the academy?" He asked dumbfounded while he looked at Samuel, but was to his surprise completely ignored.

"Sarah, is there any way I can contact Simon?" Samuel asked while he wasn't even bothering with Isaac and his friends.

"Hmm.. yes, you can use your guest token, it has a communication method that links directly to the person giving it away, in your case Simon. All you need to do is use your Ki and select the option to communicate." Sarah explained while also completely ignoring Isaac and his friends.

"Thanks, I'll do it right away." Samuel said as he injected his Ki into the token and quickly found the option Sarah talked about, and activated it.

After waiting for a minute, he suddenly heard the voice of Simon in his head... "What's up brat? You've reached the Ki condensation realm, nice hahaha! Let's do some tests immediately!" Simon excitedly said.

Samuel had already forgotten about that, but couldn't care less anyway. "Sir, the reason I have contacted you is not to inform you I have reached the Ki condensation realm, but because I was refused entry into the library."

But to his surprise, when Sarah heard him talking, she suddenly started laughing out loud! "Hahahaha, I forgot you don't know how to form a spiritual link, he couldn't hear a thing you just said!"

"Brat? Hey, I'm talking to you! Brat!? Hey damn brat talk to me!" Where the last words he heard before Simon ended their conversation.

And of course, as expected and to his complete annoyance, Isaac and his friends grabbed this chance and started mocking him immediately!

"Hahaha, the peasant doesn't even know how to form a spiritual link, something even my six your old sister is able to do hahaha!" One of Isaac's friends shouted loudly with the purpose to attract as much attention as he could.

It didn't take long before a large group of people had arrived, curious to see what was going on. And Isaac who was driven mad by his rage and jealousy, decided that it was the perfect time to start humiliating them!

"Sarah, how could you, a girl of noble birth, be so cheap to spread your legs for a lowly peasant? Aren't you afraid of what others will think of you? Are you not afraid of what your father will think when his friends tell him that his beloved daughter has been tainted by the seed of a dirty peasant, and is happily serving him as his personal whore!?" Isaac shouted loudly and enraged with his spit flying everywhere, while he was pointing his finger at Sarah.

"Y-You... vulgar, jealous, insignificant, worthless, despicable insect! How dare y..." But before Sarah could finish her words, the sudden presence of a certain person shocked her and all the people present into silence!


A little further away at a safe distance from everyone else, an enraged and old, but still heroic looking man created an enormous crater by his arrival as he had blasted himself into the mountain!

"The dean!?" Some random person said, shocked and surprised.

"W-what is the dean doing here?" Another person asked with his eyes wide in disbelief.

"Samuel!!! How dare you prank this old man!" Was the first thing Simon said while he was slowly approaching their location.

"Ahh, mr. Weiss! How good of you to join us, your timing couldn't have been more perfect if I may say so! My apologies for what happened earlier haha, I used the token to communicate but wasn't aware I needed to form a spiritual link if I wanted to talk back, which I'm sorry to say, am currently unable to do." Samuel explained while he scratched his head before continuing.

"But I'm very sorry to inform you that I, as your personal guest at the academy, have been gravely insulted by your students! They have not only insulted me personally, but even dared to call my fiance, and I shall quote his exact words, 'a cheap whore who lets herself get tainted with the seed of a lowly dirty peasant,' in front of all the people present!!" Samuel angry shouted, while mixing in a little lie about Sarah being his fiance, who started blushing shyly when she heard it.

When Simon heard this he abruptly froze! "Someone dared to insult and humiliate a guest that I, Simon Weiss have personally invited!!!? He shouted in fury while his enraged voice blasted rocks away in all directions! Suddenly, everyone except Samuel and Sarah, were smashed down with their knees on the ground by an insanely horrifying pressure fueled by killing intent!

"Who fucking dared to do so!? Who!!!?" Simon shouted while he looked at the crowd suspiciously, not intending to let anyone escape.

Without hesitation, the entire crowd pointed at Isaac, who stood there pale and heavily sweating in the spotlight while fearing for his little life!

A sinister smile began emerging on Simon's face as he looked at the noble's son who was foolish enough to insult him. "Good, good, good..." He said in a wicked voice, before disappearing in front of everyone's eyes and reappearing before Isaac, and punched him ruthlessly hard and without the slightest sympathy, right below his stomach!

* Bam! *

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh! M-My... d-dantian!" Isaac screamed in tears as he dropped down on the floor and started rolling like a lunatic!

But little did he know... that things were far from over, as this was just the warmup and beginning of the endless missery to come!

The next thing Simon did was to reappear right in front of the library's main entrance, and began placing down a ten feet wide formation! Five minutes later when he was finished, he slowly walked towards the crying Isaac who was rolling on the floor, ripped of all of his clothes that caused him to be completely naked, and grabbed his hair before he pulled him slowly towards the formation he just created!

Under everyone's fearful and disbelieving eyes, he mercilessly threw the naked crying Isaac in the middle of the formation, locked up like a monkey in the zoo, for the whole world to see! And as finishing touch, he cut a big chunk of rock from the mountain and picked it up, before placing it right in front of his newly created masterpiece, and used his finger to start carving words on it!

* He who was foolish enough *

Were the words he used to sign his new creation.