The moment you know

"Samuel my friend, how do you like my new creation?" Simon asked proudly.

"I love it, although it's disgusting to look at, an artist knows that it's not the beauty that defines the art but the story it conveys," Samuel replied, still a little shocked by how ruthless and decisive Simon acted. He had expected Isaac to be punished sure, maybe a lifetime ban from the academy at most, but crippled and naked on display in front of the library's main entrance, where hundreds of people will see him on a daily basis?

'He's smart though, he knew a noble's son like Isaac as an enemy can only bring me problems in the future, and therefore chose to eliminate him directly, while at the same time when this story spreads, is making sure that everyone will know that I am under his protection and will be very ruthless and decisive in doing so.' Samuel understood.

"Anyway, give me your token and I shall solve the little problem you had with the library haha," Simon said to Samuel.

Samuel did as he said and gave him his token, and got it back shortly after Simon injected his Ki into it and had apparently changed something. "Thanks," Samuel replied with a double meaning.

"Hehe, just a small matter, no problem! Just make sure you'll drop by when you're done ok?" Simon asked.

"Yes, it will be the first thing I do when I'm done here, thank you," Samuel said before leaving with Sarah, who had her eyes closed all this time so she wouldn't taint her mind with the disgusting images of a crying naked Isaac.

When they were passing the crowd to enter the library again, they could hear the gossip had already started.

"He's the dean's personal guest!?"

"He's so hot!"

"Why do you think the dean has invited him, besides his looks what can there possibly be that makes him so important?"

"Sarah Goldmann is his fiance!? Argh... why was I not born with such looks, the heavens are so unfair!"

Were the few among the many things they could overhear the crowd whispering.

Once inside, after the guards this time didn't deny their entry of course, they were met with a serious and quiet ambiance, and were standing in the grand hall where everybody entered after having passed the main entrance, which led to several other rooms inside the castle and had a grand stairway in the middle that enabled you to reach the other floors.

"Sarah, do you know if they have the information that teaches you how to use Ki, to form a spiritual link for example?" Samuel asked Sarah who was bold enough to hold his hand, sending a clear message to the competition that he was hers.

"Mmm, Yes there is, it's at the section where they store all information regarding techniques. Come follow me, I'll show you where it is." She answered as she pulled him along under the gaze of many stares while she held his hand.

After a few minutes walking, they arrived at the section that stored techniques and could see an older neatly dressed woman sitting behind a desk, who was guarding all the information on this floor.

"You can ask her all the information that you need, she will help you further if you are allowed to access it," Sarah explained as Samuel walked towards the lady.

"Madam, can you please help me?" Samuel asked politely.

"What a polite and handsome young man you are, please give me your student token and tell me the information you are seeking and I will do my best to help you further." The old lady said hospitably with a friendly smile on her face.

"I would like to have all information that teaches you how to use spiritual sense, a spiritual link, basic formations, basic control of elements, and four random easy-to-learn techniques that require you to manipulate Ki," Samuel asked as he handed her his guest token.

When the old lady saw the words 'guest' inscribed on his token instead of the word 'student' she expected, she was very surprised. But when she send her Ki into his token and heard the words 'Guest of I, Simon Weiss, and granted access to all information and services that do not require special permission. ' in her mind, her eyes turned wide from shock and began to observe him very curiously and seriously.

'Simon's guest token!!? It's almost impossible to fake and no one would even dare to do so either, meaning that he really is someone personally invited by our dean, but what reason could he have to do so? What makes this kid important enough to get his attention?' She wondered as she quickly controlled herself and replied acting normally.

"I see you've just started cultivating and have an interest in formations as well. I happen to be an instructor in the arts of formations, you should join one of my beginner classes if you're interested, I'm sure my beautiful female students will be more than happy with your company hehe." The old woman teased Samuel but felt an eerie stare from the girl who stood beside him and quickly changed the subject.

"Ehh, I'll start searching for the information you need, please wait here, it won't take much time." She said as she quickly walked away under Sarah's deadly glare.

Now they were alone again, Sarah looked at Samuel to see if he had any intention of joining her classes, but didn't want to appear too obsessive in protecting him, so decided not to speak about it.

'I shouldn't tell him, what if he thinks I don't trust him? I know he's not the kind of person that would cheat with other girls, but he's just too much of a magnet, and I will never trust those cheap sluts who will throw their bodies at him! Hmpf, they better know he's mine or I will have them know the reason why!' Sarah thought as she bit her lower lip and started playing cutely with her ponytail.

"You're really cute you know that?" Samuel said out of nowhere as he looked at how she bit her lip and played sweetly with her ponytail.

"Mmm? You really think so?" She shyly asked as she showed him how happy she was to hear him tell her that, with the most beautiful and dazzling smile she could produce.

"Yes, I really do haha, come here I really want to hug you now." He said as he spread his arms where she directly jumped in.

"Hmm... I'm your sweet and cute little girlfriend hehe." She mumbled with her face pressed in his chest.

"My girlfriend?" Samuel teased while he acted as if he was surprised.

"Yes stupid, your girlfriend!" She said as she kept her face hidden away in his chest so he couldn't see her blushing.

"Haha... Don't be mad, I just thought you were my fiancé that's all."

Sarah's heard the word fiancé and pulled her head from his chest so she could look into his eyes again. "Hehe, you sweet-talking bully... you just won yourself a kiss" And to Samuel's surprise, she didn't hesitate a second and pressed her lips firmly against his, and kissed him for the very first time in his life!

It was such an amazing and wonderful experience! The feeling of her soft and warm lips, the fragrance from her skin that entered through his nose, the sound of her breath, her nervous heartbeat he felt drumming behind her small breasts that she firmly pressed against his chest...

When all these sensations were flooding his mind, something deep inside of him suddenly clicked, and from that moment onward he realized, he knew with absolute certainty... that he was falling in love with her!

An idea, an impulse so intense that it almost drove him insane, exploded in his mind, and made him abruptly stop their kiss and hold her surprised and blushing face between his hands.

"...I love you," she heard him say as she deeply drowned in those beautiful ocean blue eyes, staring deep into her own.

Shocked by his sudden declaration, and speechless by her overwhelming emotions, she just stood there with her mouth wide open and stared at him. But before she could scream out how much she loved him, his next words surprised her completely yet again...

"I'm sorry, I really need to go now. It's something really important! Can you ask the lady if it's allowed to bring the information with you and give it to me back at home?" Samuel asked her in a hurry.

"W-what... but you can't fly, will it not be faster if you just wait here until she gets back and fly back with me?" Sarah asked surprised and curious.

"Oh shit, I even forgot about that haha, damn. Ok, let's wait and go immediately when we have the information." Samuel said as he scratched his head feeling silly.

"Why are you even in a hurry all of a sudden anyway, what's going on?" Sarah asked a little worried, having absolutely no idea what's going on in that mind of his.

"Oh, that... during our kiss earlier, I had a sudden overwhelming inspiration and need to start painting as fast I can, it has something to do with how I paint. Not only that but an artist's best work is created when he acts on his inspirations immediately."

"Y-You're going to paint? Pleeeeaaaseee can I watch you paint!? Hehe please? Sarah asked with pleading puppy eyes.

"No!" Was the firm answer that crushed all her hope.
