The eye of heaven

Luckily they didn't have the wait for long as the friendly old lady came back a minute later with all the information that he needed.

"Hi there, here's all the information you requested." She said as she handed Samuel his guest token back with several marble slips and one book.

"Thank you, is it possible to take these home, and when do I need to return them?" Samuel asked hopefully.

"As long as they stay within academy grounds it's not a problem, and except for the book, you can destroy everything else or wipe the contents when you don't need them anymore, as they are just copies I made from the originals. You can return the book whenever you want since it's one of the many copies we have." The old lady explained with an amiable smile.

"Thank you, miss...?" Samuel asked.

"It's Heart, Nina Heart."

"Thank you miss Heart, my name is Samuel. My apologies but I'm in a bit of a hurry so I'll have to leave immediately, I will think about the offer regarding your formation classes!" Samuel apologetically said before he quickly left with Sarah.

Once outside the library Samuel looked at Sarah and told her something she really liked to hear.

"Do you remember the second day we met outside the village when I promised you that I would need you to carry me around in the future? Haha well... now is the time, let's hurry up and go back." Samuel said as he embraced the smiling Sarah who held him tightly in her arms and launched them into the skies.

Six minutes later, they had already arrived home and landed in front of the porch before they quickly entered. Once inside, the first thing Samuel did was to gather his painting tools which were inside Sarah's ring, and give her a kiss on the forehead to apologize that she couldn't watch him paint.

"I'm sorry Sarah, it's not that I don't want you to watch me work, but because I can't get distracted while I'm doing so. I"m not sure how long it's going to take either but please, whatever happens, do not let anything disturb me ok?"

"Mm, it's not a problem really, I'll make sure you won't get disturbed. Just do your thing and we'll see each other again when you're done." Sarah said smiling before she kissed him one more time and watched him leave towards his cultivation chamber.

Once alone inside his chamber, Samuel placed the six-foot-tall and three-foot-wide canvas he selected in the room and put all his paints and brushes aside within easy reach. Then he walked towards the canvas and stood before it, closed his eyes, and remained standing there while his thoughts slowly entered a state of deep meditation, and traced themselves all the way back to the moment of his inspiration...

'The moment she kissed me, the sensation of her soft and warm lips pressed against my own, the fragrance from her skin, her nervously beating heart, her body entangled into mine, the moment something deep inside of me broke...'

'What was it that broke? A barrier, it was the last remaining barrier between us, the one that shielded my heart, my soul. The moment when it broke I felt connected, I felt so clear yet so amazed, so powerful and yet so vulnerable.'

'It was love, the feeling of love that exploded and ravaged my entire being, it was love that made me feel that power, that bottomless and endless power! But at the same time, it was also love that made me feel so weak, so vulnerable, and so powerless and fragile.'

'Love, what a weird thing it is, such a strange combination of contrasts, such a mixture of extremes.'

* Rumble *

Inside the room, the ground began to shake as an insane amount of Ki started flowing through the walls! Unbeknownst to Samuel, the moment his thoughts reached a conclusion, strange things started happening outside as well and were alarming all the people in the area!

A huge, two-hundred-foot-wide vortex of Ki formed over his head and began to draw the energy of the half-mountain! And as if that wasn't enough, as far as the eyes could see, seas of white and holy looking clouds began to manifest themselves in the skies above!

It wasn't long before hundreds of cultivators had appeared around Sarah's home and were curiously looking at the source of this phenomenon! Sarah, who of course had also noticed that something was going on, knew that Samuel was the one responsible and realized she had to stop these people before they would disturb him! So without hesitation, she stepped outside and addressed the crowd before anyone would bother him!

"Fellow students, please don't make a commotion. The person who is responsible for this phenomenon is right in the middle of a critical juncture in his cultivation, and therefore no matter what happens cannot be disturbed!" Sarah warned them seriously but was instead bombarded with a series of questions.

"Miss. can you tell us what's happening here?" A random adult man asked curiously.

"Sarah, can you tell us the identity of the person inside your home?" A curious female student a little older than Sarah, who appeared to know her by name asked.

Sarah got stressed and mad by these annoying people invading her and Samuel's privacy, just so they could satisfy their damn curiosity! 'Shit Samuel, what the hell are you doing in there, you better make it up with me afterward, sigh...' Sarah thought while she was clearly having a hard time keeping these people at bay.

'But no matter what happens, I can't tell anyone that it's him in there who's causing this, because it's probably something that could link him to his secret identity of a dao child!' Sarah thought worriedly as she started panicking a little, but soon noticed to her great relief that reinforcements had arrived!

"Master, Anna!" Sarah yelled before she started sending them messages through a spiritual link.

"Help me please, it's Samuel who's causing this, and I don't know what to do! We can't let anyone find out it's him or they will probably find out his secret!" She quickly sends to both of them.

Although Sarah and Anne didn't know exactly what was happening, Eva did! And because she knew, she was even far more worried than both of them combined! The first thing she did was order everyone to leave by using her authority as a teacher!

"Everyone, I, Eva Hoffman and teacher at the academy hereby order you to go back to wherever it was you came from, right fucking now!" Eva shouted loudly with great anger and conviction, something that clearly seemed to help as almost everyone left the place immediately, albeit reluctantly and complaining.

When Eva saw the few remaining people who were still present after everyone else had left, she felt a headache coming and couldn't help but frown.

"Haha, thanks for sending those bothersome people away Eva, you haven't changed a bit I see, still fiery as always haha, " a fat middle-aged man with a beard said, as he moved along with five other people toward Eva's location, who was standing next to Sarah and Anna.

"So, Eva... care to tell us what's going on here?" The fat man asked.

"I don't know and even if I did I would still not tell you, since it's someone else his private matter, and has absolutely nothing to do with you people. Eva responded in a harsh way, clearly annoyed by their company.

"Come on Eva, as fellow teachers there's no reason to be so hostile to each other is there?" The fat man replied, clearly unimpressed by her presence.

But out of nowhere, before Eva could respond, everyone on the entire mountain felt the arrival of the presence every cultivator in the entire world feared like nothing else, ruthlessly smashing down upon them!


When not only them but the more than sixty thousand people on the mountain raised their heads and looked up to the sky, they were stared at by an enormous fear-inducing eye between the clouds!

At this moment, everyone in the presence of this eye felt stripped bare and completely naked, as their entire lives and every secret they possessed were seen through, without having the slightest possibility to resist!

The eye looked at each and every soul without emotion, without an ounce of mercy, conveying they were nothing more than bugs that would be crushed whenever it desired so!

Until it found the person responsible, the person who dares to defy its rule, the person it came to annihilate before he could proceed, to obliterate until not even a speck of dust was left, the only person who wasn't aware of everything that happened...

The person who at this very moment...

Opened his eyes!