Happy day

Class hours just passed, all the students at Pelita Bangsa High School followed the lessons in an orderly and thorough manner. No exception for class 12 IPA 1, they all seemed very cohesive in following the lessons without the slightest obstacle.

Finally, the recess bell rang loudly. All the children rushed out of their classrooms, Bianca, Lia, and Yuna were no exception. The three students immediately left the classroom right after the teacher who had just taught also left the classroom to go to the canteen.

Now, in class 12 IPA 1 there are only a few students, and among them are Yeri, Nadia, and of course, Rafandra who still faithfully accompanies Nadia every time and every time.

"Let's go to Canteen!" take Rafa to Nadia and Yeri.

"Um, You go alone, I'll stay in class," Nadia refused with a smile.