Sweet and Cruel

After dinner together, Rafa took Nadia home. The couple, who had just made their relationship official, looked so happy that they felt that the world was theirs alone. The others just hitch a ride.

"Okay, I'm home. Sleep and rest. Don't forget to dream, right?" Rafa said while ruffling Nadia's hair slowly.

"Hmm... I don't want to," said Nadia.

"Why don't want?" Rafa asked, furrowing his brows in confusion.

"I don't want to dream of you. I want him to meet you directly," replied Nadia.

This time it was not Nadia who blushed, but Rafa. I don't know what's going on with Nadia right now, but what's clear is that the girl showed her feelings for Rafa after they officially started dating tonight.

Rafandra doesn't know at all what Nadia's true nature will be if she's dating like now, but it's clear that she doesn't mind at all about Nadia expressing her feelings openly as she did just now.