Nadia's problem

"Is he your lover?"

Arsa Wijaya's question sounded,d very cold to Nadia's ears. The girl twisted her school bag for fear of getting angry with her father.

Slowly, the girl nodded her head. She is afraid to admit the truth, but she is more afraid if her papa finds out all the truth from other people and it will make it more difficult for her later.

"Break him!" said Arsa coldly.

The middle-aged man didn't seem to be playing around with what he just said.

"Papa doesn't like you dating a young man that Papa doesn't know," he continued, getting straight to the point.

Nadia was wide-eyed at her father's words. This is the first time the beautiful girl gets a strict ban from her papa. Usually, Arsa Wijaya never cared about Nadia's affairs in any way.