Who is that man?

The next morning, Nadia prepared to go to school as usual. The beautiful girl was standing in front of her makeup mirror with a straight face. Not a single smile graced that beautiful face. The only sadness she felt right now.

Nadia looked at a small box that was on her desk. The girl's beautiful eyes lit up instantly because she was holding back tears. After all, today is Rafandra's 18th birthday and the little box is a special gift that Nadia and Bianca chose for Rafandra.

"How should I tell Rafa? I really can't hurt his feelings," Nadia whispered.

Until not felt, the beautiful girl's tears dripped down her smooth cheeks. She couldn't take it anymore because she could already feel how painful it would be if she had to be forced to part with her lover.

After a while, Nadia came out of her room intending to go to school. The beautiful girl has made up her mind to try her best first instead of deciding to end the relationship with Rafa just like that.