Where is Nadia?

"Why is Papa so hard on me? Why is Papa doing this? What have I done that I have to endure all this?" asked Nadia hoarsely.

Yeah, after Marvel's departure, Nadia immediately started crying because she could no longer hold back all her hurt feelings.

Nadia continues to sob lamenting her fate. Forget about the conversation earlier, what Nadia is thinking right now is where is a father's conscience for his daughter.

Seeing her daughter cry like that touched Arsa's heart, now Nadia looks like Naila 6 years ago before she decided to divorce him.

"Nadia, Papa--"

"That's enough... I should have realized long ago that I was only a burden to Papa's family. I should have left Papa's family. I can only trouble Papa's new family. I'm an ignorant child..." Nadia quickly cut his off.

The girl kept shedding tears. Even though he wiped the tears many times roughly, the tears still didn't stop dripping.