Feeling worried

Rafa still stands looking at Yeri who is still busy playing with her phone. The girl didn't realize that Rafa had not moved from his position at all, and it seemed that Yeri was also very indifferent to the handsome teenager who was her best friend's lover.

The chubby girl was still smiling indistinctly as she typed something on the flat object. If you want to know, actually Yeri was busy texting with Lucas because the two teenagers had gotten closer after the incident at the cafe at that time.

Rafa took a deep breath. "Yeri," he called softly, and there was no response at all.

"Yeri!!" Rafa shouted.

The girl gasped in surprise. "What's wrong? What's wrong?" he asked confused.

Realizing that it was Rafa who called out to her, the girl spontaneously hit Rafa's arm roughly.

"Stupid!! Why are you shouting for me!" She snapped.

"I called you softly, but you didn't hear," said Rafa with a chuckle.

"What else?" asked Yeri.