New enemy?

Until without them knowing it, there was another student who was watching the three of them chatting. The girl looked very serious at paying attention to Rafandra, who had been nagging, but it became a special attraction for her. I

If you want to know who this student is, then the answer is the tomboy student who this morning had problems with Rafa. And the name is...


The call from another student made the tomboyish girl named Karin immediately shattered.

"What are you doing?" Karin was annoyed at her best friend, Giselle.

"I should be the one asking what are you doing. Why are you suddenly daydreaming and... what are you looking at?" said Giselle who was no less annoyed with Karin.

"I'm watching someone very interesting," said Karin with a crooked smile.

"Really? Who?" asked Giselle curiously.

"That..." Karin pointed at Rafandra.